Mihály Víg

簡介: Mihaly Vig是貝拉?塔爾的御用作曲人,從《秋天年鑒》開始他便擔當了其大部分作品的配樂工作。?
Mihaly Vig擅長采用簡單的配器,這一點恰恰暗合了塔爾式的簡約主義風(fēng)格。無論是低調(diào)的電子合成器,樸素的吉他、鋼琴、薩克斯管,抑或簡單的敲擊樂器,都只是如留白般地出 更多>

Mihaly Vig是貝拉?塔爾的御用作曲人,從《秋天年鑒》開始他便擔當了其大部分作品的配樂工作。?
Mihaly Vig擅長采用簡單的配器,這一點恰恰暗合了塔爾式的簡約主義風(fēng)格。無論是低調(diào)的電子合成器,樸素的吉他、鋼琴、薩克斯管,抑或簡單的敲擊樂器,都只是如留白般地出現(xiàn)在影片之中,絕不喧賓奪主。
Mihály Víg 出生于1957年,布達佩斯,音樂家庭。
At the age of 21 he founded the band ?Balaton?, with whom he still performs. Between 1982 and 1985 he was a member of the band ?Trabant?, whose concerts were considered to be legendary events in the Hungarian underground in the second half of the Kádár era.
Víg is best known internationally for his film scores. Along with film directors such as János Xantus, Péter Müller, András Szirtes and Ildikó Szabó, he has worked particularly closely with director Béla Tarr – also as an actor. Víg composed the music for Tarr’s films ??szi Almanach? (1984; Eng. ?Almanac of Fall?), ?Kárhozat? (1988; t: Damnation), ?Az utolsó hajó? (1990; t: The last ship), ?Sátántangó? (1994; Eng. ?Satan’s Tango?) – in which Víg played the main role – ?Utazás az alf?ld?n? (1995; Eng. ?Journey on the Plain?), ?Werckmeister harmóniák? (2000; Eng. ?Werckmeister Harmonies?) and most recently ?A Londoni férfi? (2007; Eng. ?The Man from London?), for which he received the EU XXL film Award in March of this year. As the jury wrote in their evaluation, they honoured ?a composer whose musical work in films – in longstanding collaboration with director Béla Tarr – sets itself apart by cutting down to the essence. Their most recent collaborative work the impact of Víg’s minimalist and unbelievably catchy feel for notes and tones.?

