Jeanette Alexander

簡介: Jeanette Alexander 創(chuàng)作的音樂帶著聽眾展開一場精神之旅。她的音樂風格富于感情,真摯動人,遠離憂慮喧囂,生機勃勃。   她的作品,《Still point 時光靜止處》和《Open Sky 打開天空》在美國的零售店,甚至是國際上都是穩(wěn)定的暢銷CD。在華盛頓州西雅圖 更多>

Jeanette Alexander 創(chuàng)作的音樂帶著聽眾展開一場精神之旅。她的音樂風格富于感情,真摯動人,遠離憂慮喧囂,生機勃勃。   她的作品,《Still point 時光靜止處》和《Open Sky 打開天空》在美國的零售店,甚至是國際上都是穩(wěn)定的暢銷CD。在華盛頓州西雅圖的“東西書屋”里,它位于最暢銷的新發(fā)行音樂之列。她也通過 Music Design,New Leaf 和 Lady Slippe這樣的網絡站點進行國際性銷售。這種《Open Sky》被“Just Plain Folks”(由超過1萬8000名美國音樂工作者組成的音樂聯盟)評為年度最佳器樂專輯,“Setting Sail”則被評為最佳器樂單曲。珍妮特的音樂可以讓聆聽者進行一次精神上的旅行,她的鋼琴風格非常細膩,溫柔及深情,並且在安靜中顯現著一些勇氣。   Jeanette Alexander 來自紐約市,從1990年起在西雅圖定居。她從80年代開始作曲,并發(fā)展她獨特的音樂風格。她說“我寫的音樂類型是一種對緊張忙碌的生活方式的一種反應,這種生活方式是紐約這個城市的很大程度上的一面。在紐約有太多的噪音”。她在音樂創(chuàng)作中找到了心靈的安慰,她的音樂投射出她周遭的世界所發(fā)生的事情;同時,沉靜,充滿感情,結構良好,曲調優(yōu)美的鋼琴和鍵盤曲更喚起了平和感和內省。

?Jeanette Alexander is an Award-winning composer/pianist and recording artist in the Seattle area. She has three CDs to her name and her lovely compositions have been featured in commercials, films, radio, as well as the airlines. She began her own record label, Creative Muse Productions, in 1998 with the release of her first CD, Still Point, and has found national and international distribution, as well as licensing in Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries with her subsequent releases.


Jeanette composes music that takes the listener on a spiritual journey. Her piano style is soulful, heartfelt, emotional, tranquil and spirited. "I find that I naturally write music that touches the inner quiet of a person. It touches their heart, their hopes, and that quiet place, that Stillpoint, we all have."


Her CDs, Walk in the Sun, Open Sky, and Still Point are national and international best sellers in Asia, as well at retail stores including the East West Bookshop in Seattle, WA and across the USA including yoga centers, spiritual retreats, and massage centers.


Music from her Still Point album is featured in the award-winning documentary "With Honors Denied" which was shown at the Tribeca Film Festival in May 2003 in New York City. The film has also won numerous awards including a showing at the Maui Film Festival, and won Best Documentary Short at the Palm Springs Film Festival 2003 and at Newport Beach Film Festival in 2004.


Her CD Open Sky was chosen as FIRST PLACE #1 Award Winner for Best Instrumental Album at the Just Plain Folks Awards 2002 in Los Angeles . The song Setting Sail was chosen FIRST PLACE #1 Award Winner for Best Instrumental Song from the same album.?


She has international distribution through New Leaf & by special request through Music Design and her CDs are available through and as well as on this website. Her music has been featured on Japan Airlines, and Delta airlines and is now being distributed in Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and other foreign countries.?


All her CDs involved several talented local NW musicians including Geoffrey Castle, producer and violinist (, Grammy Award Winners Eric Tingstad & Nancy Rumbel, Ben Smith on percussion, Garey Shelton, on bass, Traci Hoveskeland on cello (from Bottom Line Duo and Andre Feriante on classical guitar (


Originally from New York City, Seattle has been her home since 1990. Jeanette began to compose music in the 80 s and began to develop what is uniquely her own style of music. "The kind of music I write is a reaction, I think, to the hectic lifestyle that is so much a part of New York City . In New York, there is so much noise." Her influences are those of David Lanz, Yanni, George Winson, Suzanne Cianni, Will Ackerman, Jim Brickman, and Narada Artists Eric Tingstad and Nancy Rumbel.?


Jeanette performs in and around the Seattle area to promote her music and CD while also promoting her music for use in film and commercials. She is available for corporate events, festivals, wedding ceremonies, and other special events. She performs at events either solo, or as a duo with a violinist and also as a trio with other musicians, on cello and percussion. She can bring along her own keyboard and portable sound system, if necessary.