簡介: 伊格IGOR——足跡遍布全球的俄羅斯籍薩克斯演奏家,擁有超拔的薩克斯演奏天賦和實力。伊格IGOR擁有薩克斯和單簧管演奏的高級學(xué)位,莫斯科和悉尼音樂節(jié)的大獎獲得者,曾是舉世聞名的貓王樂隊T.C.B.巡演的其中一員,他的作品“Shelly Beach”(貝殼海灘)更是占據(jù)英國柔和爵士 更多>

伊格IGOR——足跡遍布全球的俄羅斯籍薩克斯演奏家,擁有超拔的薩克斯演奏天賦和實力。伊格IGOR擁有薩克斯和單簧管演奏的高級學(xué)位,莫斯科和悉尼音樂節(jié)的大獎獲得者,曾是舉世聞名的貓王樂隊T.C.B.巡演的其中一員,他的作品“Shelly Beach”(貝殼海灘)更是占據(jù)英國柔和爵士調(diào)頻冠軍位置達一年之久。
伊格開始演奏薩克斯是在莫斯科讀高中的時候,當(dāng)他以優(yōu)異的成績畢業(yè)于俄羅斯的音樂學(xué)院,伊格開始了他的第一場專業(yè)演出——為被尊為俄羅斯CHANEL小姐的巨星lrina Ponarovskaya作薩克斯獨奏。此后伊格每周和莫斯科頂級藝術(shù)家合作音樂節(jié)目并在全國范圍電視網(wǎng)中播出,這使得伊格在俄羅斯家喻戶曉。在莫斯科成名后伊格移居澳大利亞,并迅速建立起自己的聲譽,被公認(rèn)為澳洲最多才多藝的藝術(shù)家。2003年3月他的專輯《你和我》在悉尼和意大利的貝加莫錄制發(fā)行,其精湛的演奏和多變的風(fēng)格旋即在澳洲等地刮起喜愛薩克斯的狂潮。繼《你和我》之后他不斷推出新的專輯,以深情細膩、飄逸流暢的曲風(fēng)迅速敲響了歐美樂壇的大門。
很少的薩克斯演奏家敢于嘗試Kenny G的風(fēng)格,而伊格憑借他高超的演奏技巧和對音樂情感超強的把握,不僅融合了他的風(fēng)格,更樹立了自己嶄新的音樂形象。他舍棄了Kenny G總在音樂中加入許多不必要音符的方式,以清晰卻豐滿的旋律,將音樂內(nèi)部的情感更加自如的流露出來,其演奏干凈飽滿、順滑流暢,旋律感極強。作為獨奏家現(xiàn)場演出是其極為重要的一部分,伊格柔和的JAzz風(fēng)格薩克斯演奏活躍在全世界重要的節(jié)日慶典及音樂會上,無論是作品還是即興演奏他都能游刃有余完美演繹。伊格強調(diào)音樂是生活的反映。他的音樂在各種風(fēng)格都有極為豐富的表現(xiàn),或深情細膩,或搖曳飄逸,或穿行于手鼓翻敲的孟買街頭,或縈繞在翩翩起舞的JAzz大廳。他把生活的每一份美好沉醉在嫻熟流暢的演奏中,飄灑給你……
It’s been over 20 years since IGOR exploded onto the Sydney music scene as an in-demand touring saxophonist with Top Australian and International Artists. Since then, IGOR has fast established a reputation of being one of the country’s most versatile and sought after musicians with his albums achieving gold sales status.
Over the years IGOR shared the stage with names such as Engelbert Humperdinck, TCB band “taking care of business” (This is what Elvis Presley called his band), Branford Marsalis, Modern Talking, The Cockroaches (The Wiggles), Ken Davis, Soso Pavliashvili, Irina Ponarovskaya and more.
In 1998, his first solo album, simply entitled, IGOR, was produced, and a new era in his musical career was launched. This debut self-titled solo album of original material takes his music and his sax to places uncharted. Becoming a solo artist has led to the growing demand to perform live. IGOR’s funked out smooth and silky saxophone has been heard at many major festivals, concert halls, and jazz clubs worldwide.
Making his home in Sydney, IGOR spends his time composing in his custom-designed recording studio, scuba diving, snorkeling and swimming. IGOR is renowned for being a unique entertainer and when not touring with his own band, he is touring Asia Pacific appearing as a special guest with Australian artists. These tours started IGOR’s love-affair with that region of the globe. “There is nothing more fun or inspiring than playing live with incredible musicians in front of thousands of people”. Firmly believing that each of his recordings should be a musical reflection of his life, IGOR celebrates this new millennium, with its new challenges and opportunities for his constantly expanding and reinventing musical style with the jubilant and life affirming excitement of his new albums.