
簡介: 德國黑金
I like albums coming from left field. Better yet albums and bands that I had no idea of their existence, I am immediately blown aw 更多>

I like albums coming from left field. Better yet albums and bands that I had no idea of their existence, I am immediately blown away by them, and love their ideas. It’s actually a pretty rare experience. Horn and their album Naturkraft provided one of these great experiences. When the first song ‘So kalt wie nie zuvor’ first began I felt as though an Ildjarn or Necrofrost album was about to begin. The recording quality is low but that creates an awesome woodsy atmosphere. The cover of the album is quite appropriate and matches the mood of the recording. The metal sounds nothing like Ildjarn or Necrofrost. Mid way through the first song I must stop what I’m doing and just absorb the great black pagan like melodies but also depressing too. The first song isn’t even half done and I’m already a big Horn fan. By the time it’s done I feel Naturkraft is worth the money for this song alone. It clocks in over 9 minutes another great sign to me.
Well song one was great what does song two have to offer? Holy shit it’s even better than song one. Again clocking in at great length 8+ minutes. Beginning with a siren an array of epic notes begin. I feel now as though I’ll march where ever Horn wants me to go. I’m in his army. The song has a great epic nature feel. This album is packed with interesting Nature themed black folk awesomeness. I give it a 90 because it is very good. Horn is up there with all the great black metal one man bands (I don’t really know what that means). Seriously though Horn Naturkraft really impressed me. Anytime metal makes me drop everything and just forget the day and venture into the forests and lands it’s talking about I think it deserves at least a 90. Find it.