Cobra Killer

簡介: Cobra Killer由兩位女生Gina V D'Orio和Annika Line Trost于柏林組建,曾擔(dān)任音速青年(Sonic Youth)歐洲巡演暖場樂隊,受到主音Thurston Moore的贊賞。
眼鏡蛇殺手說她們想用音樂去治療聽眾。看看她們的聽眾就能立刻 更多>

Cobra Killer由兩位女生Gina V D'Orio和Annika Line Trost于柏林組建,曾擔(dān)任音速青年(Sonic Youth)歐洲巡演暖場樂隊,受到主音Thurston Moore的贊賞。
眼鏡蛇殺手說她們想用音樂去治療聽眾。看看她們的聽眾就能立刻明白為什么這樣說,她們對聽眾就像有著良好療效的藥一樣。而她們的樂迷里幾乎沒有人可以逃脫酷愛穿戴奇怪裝束的Gina V的魔爪。
Gina V和Annika是極度的紅酒愛好者,她們要做的基本上就是把音樂和紅酒扔到聽眾的臉上,然后讓現(xiàn)場陷入瘋狂。秉承她們現(xiàn)時所屬廠牌MONIKA的傳統(tǒng),眼鏡蛇殺手討厭以前電子現(xiàn)場的愚鈍表現(xiàn),穿著華麗制服的她們大玩60、70年代的舊跳舞風(fēng),并混合車庫搖滾與Techno音樂,以及顛覆性的歌詞。
Thurston Moore這樣評介這隊讓他又愛又恨的樂隊:“前幾個晚上我們和一個叫做眼鏡蛇殺手的樂隊在德國一起做了幾場演出,她們太厲害了……當(dāng)然有時也讓人抓狂,不過我喜歡她們
The Cobra Killer duo of Gina V. D'Orio and Annika Trost began as part of Alec Empire's Digital hardcore movement. Both were part of other bands signed to Empire's Digital Hardcore Recordings label—Gina was in EC8OR, and Annika was in Shizuo. Cobra Killer was arguably one of the most playful DHR bands, in contrast to the revolutionary bombast of most.
When Empire's label cut back on its bands, many of the DHR groups folded, but V'Orio and Trost kept going. They have released four albums and are currently on the Monika Enterprise label.