Dave Weckl

簡介: Dave Weckl是融合爵士領域里最受稱贊的鼓手之一,與Chick Corea合作的6年,使他走上成名的道路。Weckl出生在美國密蘇里州的圣路易斯,從小聽爵士樂和靈魂樂;8歲的時候,他得到了他的第一架套鼓,并且在聆聽象Buddy Rich這樣的鼓手還有R&B grooves等 更多>

Dave Weckl是融合爵士領域里最受稱贊的鼓手之一,與Chick Corea合作的6年,使他走上成名的道路。Weckl出生在美國密蘇里州的圣路易斯,從小聽爵士樂和靈魂樂;8歲的時候,他得到了他的第一架套鼓,并且在聆聽象Buddy Rich這樣的鼓手還有R&B grooves等音樂的過程中讓自己的演奏不斷進步。
Dave Weckl在Bridgeport大學主修爵士樂,但是只學了兩年就離開學校進入了紐約的爵士樂圈子,并與各種各樣的樂隊去歐洲巡回演出.Weckl加入一個叫做Nitesprite的融合爵士樂組合,在這個樂隊里,他吸引了鼓手Peter Erskine的注意;Erskine幫助他得到與French Toast一起演出的機會,樂隊里還有鋼琴手Michel Camilo和貝司手Anthony Jackson.從與French Toast合作開始,Weckl開始將興趣擴展到檔期工作,80年代初期的時候與無數的藝人合作,比如Bill Connors(Return to Forever),the Brecker Brothers,Tania Maria,Paquito D'Rivera,Eliane Elias,還有George Benson,也參加流行歌手,和靈魂樂歌手的專輯制作,象Diana Ross,Madonna,和Robert Plant.1986年,Chick Corea 看到Weckl與吉他手Connors一起在紐約演出后邀請這個鼓手加入他自己新的樂隊Electric Band.Weckl與Corea一共合作了7年,參加了很多專輯的制作,并經常出現在Corea的Akoustic樂隊里;他的技術得到了很大程度的尊重,在繼續(xù)檔期工作和與GRP全明星大樂隊頻繁演出的過程里,他經常與Corea一起討論他自己的工作。
Weckl還發(fā)行了一系列的教學錄影帶,1990年,他為GRP公司發(fā)行了自己的第一張solo,Master Plan。
緊接著,在1992年,發(fā)行了Heads Up。
1998年,Weckl發(fā)行了R&B風格的作品"Rhythm ofthe Soul",回歸到他童年時期的音樂愛好。
同樣,99年發(fā)行了自己偏愛Synergy.Transition's2000發(fā)行以后,The Dave Weckl Band已經真正凝聚在一起,但是除了樂隊的事情以外,Weckl仍然進行教學,并且在2001年,發(fā)行了另一張教學錄音,The Zone.與一支四重奏樂隊廣泛合作的最后幾年,Weckl首次與他們在2002年的 improv-heavy Perpetual Motion中演出。
by Steve Huey
Dave Weckl is one of fusions most acclaimed drummers, making his name during a six-year-stint with Chick Corea. Weckl was born in St. Louis and grew up listening to soul and jazz; he received his first drum set at age eight and developed his playing by listening to drummers like Buddy Rich, as well as R&B grooves. He majored in jazz at the University of Bridgeport, but left after two years to become involved in the New York jazz scene, also touring Europe with various bands. Weckl joined a fusion group called Nitesprite, where he attracted the attention of drummer Peter Erskine; Erskine helped him get a gig with French Toast, a band also featuring pianist Michel Camilo and bassist Anthony Jackson.
From French Toast, Weckl branched out into session work, playing on numerous early-80s sessions with the likes of Bill Connors (Return to Forever), the Brecker Brothers, Tânia Maria, Paquito DRivera, Eliane Elias, and George Benson, as well as pop and soul albums for Diana Ross, Madonna, and Robert Plant. In 1986, Chick Corea saw Weckl performing in New York with guitarist Connors and invited the drummer to join his new Elektric Band. Weckl spent a total of seven years with Corea, performing on numerous albums and also appearing with Coreas Akoustic Band; his skills received considerable esteem, and he augmented his work with Corea by continuing his session work and appearing often with the GRP All-Star Big Band. Weckl also released a series of instructional videos, and in 1990 he led his first solo date, with Master Plan for GRP. Heads Up followed in 1992, as well as Hard-Wired in 1994.
Upon leaving Corea, Weckls primary focus was recording and touring with guitarist Mike Stern; he also continued his work as a sideman. In 1998, Weckl led the R&B-oriented date Rhythm of the Soul, a return to his other boyhood musical love, and the like-minded Synergy followed in 1999. The Dave Weckl Band had really gelled by the time of Transitions 2000 release, but Weckl didnt leave teaching behind, either, and released another instructional recording, The Zone, in 2001. After working extensively with a quartet for the last few years, he debuted their efforts with 2002s improv-heavy Perpetual Motion. Multiplicity followed three years later. He has a website at www.daveweckl.com.