
簡介: 小簡介
Semisonic是由Dan Wilson(主唱/創(chuàng)作/吉他)、 John Munson(貝斯), and Jacob Slichter(鼓手)三位成員所組成的樂隊。1996年,他們的首張大碟“Great Divide”一發(fā)行即成為滾石雜志樂評人David Fr 更多>

Semisonic是由Dan Wilson(主唱/創(chuàng)作/吉他)、 John Munson(貝斯), and Jacob Slichter(鼓手)三位成員所組成的樂隊。1996年,他們的首張大碟“Great Divide”一發(fā)行即成為滾石雜志樂評人David Fricke心目中的’96年最佳專輯之一。1998年推出的“Feeling Strangely Fine” 則在美國、加拿大與英國奪得白金唱片,取得了全球共2百萬張的銷售佳績。其中單曲《Closing Time》登上了Billboard現(xiàn)代搖滾榜5周冠軍寶座及流行單曲榜Top 10,之后更獲2000年葛萊美獎提名“年度最佳搖滾歌曲”。
如果說“Feeling Strangely Fine”是在耳邊的細語低吟,那么接下來的第三張專輯“All About Chemistry”就像是一大群朋友在討論難忘的經(jīng)歷。在鋼琴鋪陳下的"Act Naturally"是試著挽回愛情的無力哀求,而與老將Carole King合寫(并跨刀彈奏電鋼琴及合音)的"One True Love",述說著想和真愛溜出喧鬧派對的渴望。整張專輯由樂隊成員親自擔任制作大任,使得專輯更能呈現(xiàn)樂隊最初構(gòu)想與概念。新專輯在旋律上保有Semisonic一貫的生動鮮活,原本就負責兩項樂器的John Munson 與Jacob Slichter這次把玩的演奏樂器更是從伸縮喇叭、電子風琴到弦樂編排,讓人對他們精通多種樂器的音樂才華更加欽佩。"Chemistry","Sunshine & Chocolate"和"Get A Grip"有著恰到好處的輕快悅耳;"She’s Got My Number"的合成器聲效與貝斯聲線,營造出飄浮無重力的太空感?!癆ll About Chemistry”在溫和精致的音樂質(zhì)感里作了妙不可言的音樂化學實驗。
by Steve HueyAfter the breakup of Trip Shakespeare, Minneapolis natives Dan Wilson and John Munson joined up with drummer Jacob Slichter to form Semisonic in 1995. An initial EP, Pleasure, was released that year and the studio full-length Great Divide in 1996 on MCA. It was their sophomore effort, Feeling Strangely Fine, that was Semisonics major breakthrough in 1998. The album yielded classic pop hits such as Closing Time and Secret Smile and propelled the band into megastardom. They didnt waste anytime with a follow up either. All About the Chemistry, the bands third album, was issued in early 2001 and single Chemistry was a mainstay overseas, however the album didnt fair as well in America. Over My Head was fitting for the 2001s teen flick Summer Catch and Semisonic rode the wave of various tours in and around the U.K. By fall, Semisonic contributed their cover of the Wings classic, Jet for the Paul McCartney Tribute CD, Listen To What The Man Said. Dan Wilson also took time out to do some solo stuff, playing a slew of dates around the Midwest in December. His brother Matt hooked up with Semisonics John Munson to form the side project, The Flops in 2001.