Ustad Amjad Ali Khan

簡(jiǎn)介: 胡斯塔德?阿馬賈德?阿里漢(Ustad Amjad Ali Khan)被認(rèn)為是印度最重要的古典音樂家之一,也是他所用的樂器--薩羅德琴領(lǐng)域當(dāng)之無愧的大師。阿馬賈德?阿里漢1945年出生于瓜廖爾一個(gè)音樂世家(他的父親是王室家庭的音樂家)(此處可參看班迦什流派的介紹),1958年在他 更多>

胡斯塔德?阿馬賈德?阿里漢(Ustad Amjad Ali Khan)被認(rèn)為是印度最重要的古典音樂家之一,也是他所用的樂器--薩羅德琴領(lǐng)域當(dāng)之無愧的大師。阿馬賈德?阿里漢1945年出生于瓜廖爾一個(gè)音樂世家(他的父親是王室家庭的音樂家)(此處可參看班迦什流派的介紹),1958年在他12歲的時(shí)候就舉行了他的首次薩羅德獨(dú)奏音樂會(huì)。他是其家族的第六代傳人,繼承了從莫臥爾宮廷音樂家時(shí)期到他父親胡斯塔德?哈菲茲?阿里漢世代相傳的古典音樂傳統(tǒng),這個(gè)傳統(tǒng)可追溯到最初的“塞尼阿-本卡(Senia-Beenkar)”世家的音樂流派,創(chuàng)始人便是著名的米安?檀增,胡斯塔吉(Ustadji,阿馬賈德的昵稱)從他父親那里學(xué)習(xí)到了薩羅德琴的演奏技巧。 1981年他訪問巴基斯坦,他是打破印巴兩國間文化沉默的第一位音樂家。胡斯塔吉的足跡遍及世界許多地方,他曾經(jīng)在中國、英國、美國、莫斯科、德國和日本演出。他通過AIR和電視上的演出竭力推廣印度古典音樂。 在1977年,他建立了胡斯塔德?哈菲茲?阿里漢紀(jì)念組織(Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan Memorial Society),以此來組織音樂會(huì)并每年對(duì)杰出的印度及國外的古典音樂家頒發(fā)哈菲茲?阿里漢獎(jiǎng)。 胡斯塔吉被授予許多榮譽(yù)和獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)--1975年的Padmashree獎(jiǎng),1989年的學(xué)院獎(jiǎng)和檀增獎(jiǎng),1991年的帕德瑪?布山獎(jiǎng)(Padma Bhushan)和1970年聯(lián)合國教科文組織頒發(fā)的國際音樂論壇獎(jiǎng)(International Music Forum Award)。
by Craig Harris
The youngest son of sarod player Ustad Hafiz Ali Khan, Amjad Ali Khan has continued to expand on his fathers legacy. Performing as a soloist and in collaboration with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Charlie Byrd, Igor Frolav, Glenda Simpson, and Barry Mason, Khan has brought a global view to the sarod, a 25-stringed, violin-like, Indian instrument. While The Gulf Weekly claimed, (Khan) is in a class by himself, born with rhythm in his soul and fingers, The Lincoln Journal Star wrote, (Khan is) famous for his elegant style and technique. After a lifetime of work on the instrument, he has breathed a new life to an ancient form. In a review of a concert by Khan, The New York Times proclaimed, (Khan) casts a kind of charm on audiences, sending out ripples of excitement. Tracing his familys roots to Mian Tansen, a 16th-century musician in the court of the Emperor Khan, Khan began playing the sarod at the age of ten. With his father as his guru, under the strict discipline of Guru Shisya Parampara, he advanced quickly. Performing his first concert at the age of 12, he was a nationally known celebrity in India within three years. Khans wife, Subhalakshmi, a well-known Indian classical dancer, retired from performing following their marriage. In addition to recording many award-winning albums, including Raga Bhairav, which ranked among the Top 50 classical albums of 1995 by BBC Magazine, Khan has been featured in several ary videos including the Canadian-produced Amjat Ali Khan in 1971, and Live Concert In Tokyo in 1989.

