Dee Dee Bridgewater

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Dee Dee Bridgewater 著名爵士音樂歌唱家之一。她出生于美國田納西,15歲開始職業(yè)生涯,與Sonny Rollins、 Dizzy Gillespie 和 Dexter Gordon等爵士音樂傳奇人物共事。
1971 更多>

Dee Dee Bridgewater 著名爵士音樂歌唱家之一。她出生于美國田納西,15歲開始職業(yè)生涯,與Sonny Rollins、 Dizzy Gillespie 和 Dexter Gordon等爵士音樂傳奇人物共事。
1971年她加入Thad Jones-Mel Lewis管弦樂團,工作了四年。 八十年代移居法國。
她先參加了婦女節(jié)和歐洲爵士音樂節(jié), 然后成立了她自己的爵士音樂團。她在法國巴黎實況錄制的第一本唱片于1987年發(fā)行,為她在法國和其它國家贏得了熱情的觀眾。
她最受歡迎的作品“Dear Ella”是為了紀念已故的Ella Fitzgerald錄制的。該作品贏得了兩項葛萊美獎,奠定了Bridgewater女士作為Fitzgerald繼承人的地位。
Bridgewater女士曾多次獲獎以表彰她杰出的成就, 其中包括1988年和1995年爵士音樂獎、法國總統(tǒng)頒發(fā)的Chevalier de l’ordre national du mérite、文化和通訊部長頒發(fā)的Officier des arts et des lettres。
by Scott Yanow
One of the best jazz singers of her generation, Dee Dee Bridgewater (who was married to trumpeter Cecil Bridgewater in the early 70s) had to move to France to find herself. She performed in Michigan during the 1960s and toured the Soviet Union in 1969 with the University of Illinois Big Band. She sang with the Thad Jones/Mel Lewis orchestra (1972-1974) and appeared in the Broadway musical The Wiz (1974-1976). Due to erratic records and a lack of direction, Dee Dee Bridgewater was largely overlooked in the jazz world by the time she moved to France in the 1980s. She appeared in the show Lady Day and at European jazz festivals, and eventually formed her own backup group. By the late 80s, Bridgewaters Verve recordings were starting to American listeners as to her singing talents. Her 1995 Horace Silver tribute disc (Love and Peace) is a gem and resulted in the singer extensively touring the U.S, reintroducing her to American audiences. She would find even more success with her tribute album, Dear Ella, which won a Grammy in 1997.

