
簡介: 小在成立于英國利茲的獨立樂隊Dakota Suite中,只有主音和吉他手Chris Hooson是樂隊的最穩(wěn)定成員,另一個長期與樂隊合作的則是制作人Richard Formby,他同時也是前著名迷幻樂團Spaceman 3,Dream Pop樂隊Telescopes和經(jīng)典獨立搖滾 更多>

在成立于英國利茲的獨立樂隊Dakota Suite中,只有主音和吉他手Chris Hooson是樂隊的最穩(wěn)定成員,另一個長期與樂隊合作的則是制作人Richard Formby,他同時也是前著名迷幻樂團Spaceman 3,Dream Pop樂隊Telescopes和經(jīng)典獨立搖滾樂隊Jazz Butcher的合作者。Richard Formby并非單純在處在唱片制作人的位置,而且他有時幾乎是Dakota Suite中最重要的樂手,風琴,貝司,鋼琴,口琴,西班牙吉他等等幾乎樣樣精通。其他樂隊成員包括貝司手David Buxton,鼓手John Sheppard,鋼琴師Peter Haslam,弦樂演奏者Colin Dunkley。

主音Chris Hooson的聲音常被人拿來跟另一個低調(diào)民謠樂團Red House Painters的主音Mark Kozelek和西班牙獨立樂隊Spain的Josh Haden相比較,當然,Hooson的唱腔還有些像American Music Club的Mark Eitzel,他將自己的音樂創(chuàng)作建立在純粹的個人生活體驗之上,曾經(jīng)在救濟院中的工作經(jīng)歷讓他體驗到了那些酗酒者的絕望和痛苦,這種情緒一直延伸到Dakota Suite的作品中,略帶疲倦的聲音在以鄉(xiāng)村民謠為基礎(chǔ)衍生而來的低調(diào)民謠中顯得悲傷無比。簡簡單單的原聲吉他掩藏了漫不經(jīng)心的鼓擊,不時有脆弱纖細的小號聲和電鋼琴,大提琴和小提琴的輕聲低訴更增添一些傷感煽情的成分。除了在Indie Pop的領(lǐng)域探索之外,Dakota Suite還有意跨入Chamber Pop的領(lǐng)域,讓室內(nèi)管弦樂也恰到好處的為自己的滲情民謠做了背景上的鋪墊。

大事記 :

1996年底,樂隊兩位最重要的成員Chris Hooson和Richard Formby第一次相遇,前者錄制了自己的第一個Demo。后來Richard Formby和一個唱片店老板合作成立了Amos唱片公司,將這些作品錄制成三張EP,并在98年合成CD專輯《Alone With Everybody》,并加入了一些未發(fā)表的作品。其后被評論界推崇的一些7寸單曲又被德國獨立廠牌Glitterhouse收錄進唱片《Songs for a Barbed Wire Fence》之中,Chris Hooson給這張專輯起的原名為《Bereavement and Loss》。當Dakota Suite到了現(xiàn)場演出的階段,制作人Richard Formby也自愿參加演出,在一年的巡演結(jié)束之后,樂隊繼續(xù)在Richard Formby家里錄制作品,有時也在教堂里錄音以取得宏大的室內(nèi)聲音效果。此時Chris Hooson最終拒絕了加盟一家主流唱片公司的機會而繼續(xù)與德國廠牌Glitterhouse合作,他們的作品在英國通過Loose,在美國通過Badman,在日本通過Painted Sky等獨立廠牌發(fā)售。

Chris Hooson將妻子Johanna所拍攝的蒼白陰冷的黑白照片作為專輯的封面,也襯托出Dakota Suite音樂的內(nèi)在特質(zhì)。1999年,一張以鋼琴,吉他等為主的器樂專輯《Navigators Yard》問世,封面是幾根參差的木樁伸出水面,簡約而凄清,頗有爵士名廠ECM的封面美學風范。2000年的專輯《Signal Hill》和2001年的專輯《Morning Lake Forever》延續(xù)著Dakota Suite的低調(diào)路線,2002年的《The Way I Am Sick》是一張室內(nèi)管弦器樂作品,封面以拱廊投射在地面的影子再次展現(xiàn)了Dakota Suite的一貫音樂風格。去年,《This River Only Brings Poison》在舊金山錄制完成,合作成員竟有與他們非常相似的American Music Club樂隊成員Bruce Kaphan和Tim Mooney。 創(chuàng)建于2008-03-24

The loosely configured lineup of Leeds-based Dakota Suite is centered around the group's talented frontman, singer/guitarist Chris Hooson; the only other firm member of the group is producer Richard Formby -- formerly a collaborator with Spaceman 3, the Telescopes, and Jazz Butcher -- who handles occasional guitar chores and various other instrumentation, including harmonium, Fender Rhodes, lap steel, bowed double bass, and tape effects. Various other members have included David Buxton on bass guitar and pedal steel; John Sheppard on drums; Peter Haslam on piano; and Colin Dunkley, who also plays the piano, provides the strings, and co-writes much of the group's instrumentals. Hooson -- whose vocal style is often compared to Red House Painters' Mark Kozelek, Spain's Josh Haden, and Mark Eitzel -- often bases his songs on haunting personal experiences; he attempted suicide in late 1995 (taking to his bed, he tried to will himself to stop living). Hooson has also worked at in a hospice for terminal alcoholics, witnessing first-hand the despair and psychic pain that infuses his languid and somewhat sad country-flecked songs, which are highlighted by simply-strummed acoustic guitars, brushed drums, brittle horns, keening lap steel, soulful electric piano, and the occasional cellos and violins. The group also perform chamber orchestra music.

In late 1996, Hooson and Formby first met, when Hooson was recording his first demos. Later, Formby and the owner of a Leeds-based record shop set up the Amos label to release these recordings as three Dakota Suite EPs, in late 1996 and early 1997; they've since been compiled as Alone With Everybody, a CD released in 1998 with additional unreleased material. Mostly positive press and word-of-mouth raves about subsequent 7" and split-7" singles on various labels led to a more formal arrangement with the Glitterhouse label, who issued Dakota Suite's Songs for a Barbed Wire Fence in 1998 (Hooson's original choice for the CD's title was "Bereavement and Loss"). When it came time to play live, Formby volunteered his services, and the band continued touring for nearly a year while Hooson held down his hospice job. Hooson and a variety of additional musicians continued recording at Formby's house or used old churches for the grand acoustics. Hooson ultimately forfeited his sole opportunity to sign to a major label (stating he enjoys his job too much), choosing instead to release Dakota Suite's albums via the German-based Glitterhouse independent label; in turn, they have been licensed by Hooson for release in the U.K. via Loose Recordings, the U.S. via Badman, and Japan via the Tokyo-based Painted Sky Records.

Hooson's wife Johanna's photographs -- bleak, starkly black-and-white compositions used as cover art -- perfectly reflect the music to be found inside. Navigator's Yard -- instrumental pieces for piano and assorted instruments -- was released in 1999, followed by Signal Hill (2000) and Morning Lake Forever (2001). The Way I Am Sick, instrumental pieces for a chamber orchestra, was released in 2002; Painted Sky Records has also issued this CD with the non-Navigator's Yard instrumental pieces from the other albums as an extra bonus disc. A two-CD/LP compilation of the first two Dakota Suite albums was also issued as Blown About a Moon. This River Only Brings Poison was recorded in San Francisco with Bruce Kaphan and Tim Mooney (ex-American Music Club), and in Nashville with Derri Daugherty (the Choir).

Dakota詳細資料(以下內(nèi)容包含:Dakota 歌曲列表 專輯唱片列表等信息)


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