Ryoichi Kurokawa

簡介: 黑川良一,中國文藝青年最該認識的日本新一代藝術偶像。
如果您對日本實驗電子音樂的認知還停留在池田亮司 (Ryoji Ikeda),那真該快快“進行”一下更新“的動作”。妙的是,黑川根本不是“音樂家”,他的藝術就是 AV,純粹 AV,純粹 audio-visual。這類視 更多>

如果您對日本實驗電子音樂的認知還停留在池田亮司 (Ryoji Ikeda),那真該快快“進行”一下更新“的動作”。妙的是,黑川根本不是“音樂家”,他的藝術就是 AV,純粹 AV,純粹 audio-visual。這類視覺與聽覺徹底合的真正新媒體/多媒體正是未來潮流之所指。那種舞廳里 DJ 配 VJ 的概念,在這種整體藝術之前顯得陳腐不堪。
黑川的 AV 電腦程序控制,出神入化,隨心所欲,為所欲為。它讓你沉思:在這終極底限之后,電子藝術還有下一步嗎?
黑川良一是當前世界各大型媒體節(jié)及音樂節(jié)爭相邀約的藝術家。黑川這是第一次來中國演出?!昂恿黧w”開幕式演出的開場第一晚壓軸節(jié)目即黑川良一。黑川將以 8 臺 15,000 流明的投影機投出四塊巨大影像,加上 24 支全頻加上 (下探 32Hz 的) 12 支超低頻陣列音箱組,展現(xiàn)最強撼的AV 巔狂。
Japanese audiovisual artist. His works take on multiple forms such as screening works, recordings, installation and live performance. Kurokawa composes time based sculpture with digital generated materials and field recorded sources, and the minimal and the complexities coexist there. Kurokawa accepts sound and imagery as a unit not as separately, and constructs very exquisite and precise computer based works with the audiovisual language. That shortens mutual distance, the reciprocity and the synchronization of sound and visual composition. He also performed live-visual for musicians such as HUMAN AUDIO SPONGE(ex.YMO: Sketch Show + Ryuichi Sakamoto). In recent years, Kurokawa is invited to numerous noted international festivals and museums in Europe, US and Asia including TATE MODERN[UK], ARS ELECTRONICA[AT], transmediale[DE], Shanghai eARTS[CN], MUTEK[CA], TodaysArt[NL] and SONAR[ES] for concert and exhibition, and he continues to be an active presence on the international stage.

