Gregorio Paniagua was born in Mad 更多>
Gregorio Paniagua was born in Madrid. At 16, he was named Captain of the Real Madrid Junior Basketball team by coach P. Ferrandiz. Medical studies at the Complutense University and the Jiménez Diaz Foundation; Received his firt lessons in painting from his grandmother D?a. María de Calderón-a pupil of Vicente Lopez-pupil of Goya; Violoncello at the Royal Conservatory under the cathedra of Don Ricardo Vivó: Viola da gamba with August Wenzinger, Director of Schola Cantorum Basiliensis; and Orchestral Direction under Maestro Sergiu Celibidache.
An expert in ancient music and early instruments, particulary the vihuela-lute-hurdy gurdy, and viola da gamba.Founded Atrivm Mvsicae de Madrid in 1964. In his private workshop, has reproduced musical instruments based on musicological researches into manuscripts-reliefs-sculptures-pottery and vase paitings from classical Greek to the Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance & Barroco periods, of Spain and Europe.
Painting expositions in Madrid-Moxacar-Almeria-Valladolid-S. Lorenzo de El Escorial-including a private exhibition at the Juana Mordó Art Gallery.
As Director of Atrivm Mvsicae, has performed in Europe-América-Asia and Australia. Frecuent Collaborator in ancient music courses in Spanish and international universities and guest soloist performer in auditoriums, temples, cathedrals, theatres and museums.
His recordings have rated excellent reviews and achieved various awards, notably the Gold Record Award presented at the Japan International Art Festival, Tokyo 1971 for "Cantigas de Santa María- Alfonso X El Sabio".