Friends S05E04歌詞

Come in. 進(jìn)來
I've been waiting for you. 我等很久了
Hi,I just 我只是…
Oh,my God! Monica! 天啊,摩妮卡
Oh,my God!
I'm sorry! I was 抱歉抱歉
I was taking a nap. 我正在睡午覺
Since when do you take naps in that position? 你從何時(shí)開始 用那種怪姿勢(shì)睡覺?
Tell me you were waiting for a guy. Please tell me. 摩妮卡,你是在等男人吧? 拜托你說是在等男人
Yes,I was. A guy. 沒錯(cuò),我在等男人
From work. 公司同事
I'm seeing a guy from work! 我最近跟同事約會(huì)
That cute waiter guy that looks like a nonthreatening Ray Liotta? 那個(gè)長(zhǎng)得像雷李歐塔親切版的 帥哥服務(wù)生?
That one! 就是他
Give me a second. I'm just going to grab a jacket. 我馬上就閃人 我只是回來拿件外套
When I get back, I want every little detail. 等我回來可要告訴我詳情
Maybe that's him. 他可能來了
It's just Joey and Ross. 只是喬伊跟羅斯
Why aren't you at the movie? 你們不是去看電影嗎?
Ross was so loud,they threw us out. 對(duì)啊,可是羅斯講電話太吵 才被電影院轟出來
I had to talk loud because the movie was loud! 電影太吵,我當(dāng)然得大聲講
He's talking to London. 他打電話去倫敦
Did he get in touch with Emily? 為什么?他找到艾蜜莉了?
No,not yet. He's hoping that someone will help him get in touch with her. 還沒,但是他打給女方親戚 希望有人愿意幫他
I don't care if I said some other girl's name,you prissy old twit! 就算我說錯(cuò)名字又如何 你這大驚小怪的笨蛋
Way to suck up to the family! 羅斯,你巴結(jié)姻親真有一套
I'm so glad you're all here. My office finally got wrinkle-free fax paper! 真高興大家都在 我們公司終于買免皺傳真紙了
The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS 本集播出:“好人好事”
Hi,is this Nanny Hopkins? I'm looking for Emily. 請(qǐng)問是霍普金奶媽嗎? 我找艾蜜莉
Waltham. 沃森
Oh,I'm sorry. Is this 0-1-1-4-4-7-4-2... 抱歉,這是011447 4293474267嗎?
Oh,it's "4-3," not 4-2. 是43不是42啊
Well,which 4-2? 哪個(gè)42?
Don't worry, I had it dry-cleaned. 放心,我送去干洗過了
Vomit tux? 嘔吐西裝?
Who vomited on? 誰會(huì)吐在西裝上?
You know what? What you up to,Joe? 喬伊,你為何穿成這樣?
They're doing this telethon thing on TV. 我要上馬拉式電視節(jié)目
And my agent got me a job as cohost! 我的經(jīng)紀(jì)幫我爭(zhēng)取當(dāng)主持人
That's great! 太棒了
A little good deed for PBS, plus some TV exposure. 幫公視做好事 又能增加曝光率
That's the kind of math Joey likes to do. 我喬伊最愛做這種事了
Oh,PBS! 公視啊
-What's wrong with PBS? -What's right with them? 公視哪里不對(duì)了?
Why don't you like PBS? 菲比,你為何不喜歡公視?
Right after my Mom killed herself, I was in a bad place,personally. 因?yàn)槲覌屪詺⒅?我個(gè)人非常難過
I thought I'd write to Sesame Street. 所以我想寫信給芝麻街 心情應(yīng)該會(huì)好一點(diǎn)
Because they were nice when I was a little kid. 因?yàn)槲倚r(shí)候 總覺得他們很親切
No one ever wrote back. 結(jié)果根本沒人回信
A lot of those muppets don't have thumbs. 那些布偶根本沒有手指
All I got was a lousy key chain,and by that time,I was living in a box. 我只收到一個(gè)惡爛鑰匙環(huán) 拜托,我那時(shí)住在紙箱里耶
I didn't have keys! 連鑰匙都沒有
I'm sorry,Phoebe. 我很遺憾,菲比
I wanted to do a good deed, like you did with the babies. 我只是想做好事 就像你幫忙生小孩
This isn't a good deed. You just want to get on TV. This is selfish. 你才不是做善事 只是想上電視,根本就很自私
What about you having those babies for your brother? 哇… 你幫弟弟生小孩又怎么說?
That's selfish! 自私的不是只有我
What are you talking about? 你胡說什么?
It was a nice thing, but it made you feel good,right? 你的確是幫忙他們 不過自己心情也很好吧?
Yeah,so? 那又如何?
It made you feel good so that makes it selfish. 因?yàn)槟阕錾剖滦那楹?也算是自私的一種
Look,there's no unselfish good deeds. Sorry. 世界上根本就沒有無私的好事
Yes,there are totally good deeds that are selfless! 明明就有 有很多行善的人都沒有私心
May I ask for one example? 請(qǐng)你舉出一個(gè)例子
Yeah,it's You know,there's 就是有,例如…
No,you may not! 我不想說
Because all people are selfish. 因?yàn)樗腥硕己茏运?br/>Are you calling me selfish? 你說我自私?
Are you calling you people? 你難道不是人?
Sorry to burst that bubble,Phoebe, 菲比,很抱歉戳破你的美夢(mèng)
but selfless good deeds don't exist. 世界上沒有無私的善事
You know the deal on Santa Claus? 你也知道圣誕老人吧?

Oh,my God! It's Emily! 艾蜜莉,天啊,是艾蜜莉
It's Emily,everyone! 大家不要吵!
I'm only ringing to say stop harassing my relatives. Goodbye. 我打來只是要告訴你 別再騷擾我家人了,再見
You can hang up,but I'll keep calling everyone in England... 等一下,就算你掛斷 我也會(huì)繼續(xù)打
...if that's what it takes to get you to talk to me. 如果要打給所有英國(guó)人 才能逼你跟我說話 我也辦得到
Really? About what? 真的?你想談什么?
Look,you're my wife. We're married. 你是我太太,我們已經(jīng)結(jié)婚
You know,I love you. 而且我愛你
I really miss you. 我很想你
I miss you too. 我也很想你
At least,I think I do. 至少我認(rèn)為如此
She's talking. 她肯跟我說話了
When you said "the deal with Santa," you meant...? 喬伊,你剛剛 為何提到圣誕老人?
That he doesn't exist. 根本沒有這號(hào)人物
Right. 這樣啊
Chandler,have you heard about Monica's secret boyfriend? 錢德,你聽說 摩妮卡的地下情人了嗎?
Yeah,she might have mentioned him. 知道,她…她是提過
So,Mon,when are we going to meet this new,secret waiter man? 我們到底何時(shí) 才能認(rèn)識(shí)這個(gè)服務(wù)生?
I don't think he's up to meeting everyone yet. 他很害羞,現(xiàn)在還沒準(zhǔn)備 認(rèn)識(shí)大家
Yeah,I don't think he's up to it. 我想他還沒準(zhǔn)備好
I want to meet this guy who's the best *** she ever had. 我不管,我想見他 她說對(duì)方床上一級(jí)棒
Really? 真的?
That's what you heard? You said that? 她說過?你說過?
I might have. 大概吧
Why is that funny? 這有什么好笑?
Because I'm very happy for him. 因?yàn)槲液転樗吲d
And you! You lucky dog! 你真是走狗運(yùn)!
She's willing to work on the relationship. 艾蜜莉愿意跟我復(fù)合
That's great! 太好了
In London. 她要我去倫敦
She wants me to move to London. 她要我搬到倫敦去
But you live here. 可是你住在這里
You know that. 我這是廢話
-What will you do? -I don't know. 你打算怎么辦?不知道
-I mean,I can't leave Ben. -You can just video-conference with him. 我不能丟下班 你可以跟他用視訊會(huì)議
I'm not ready to have a child. 我還不夠格當(dāng)爸爸
I bet if I talked to Carol and Susan... 只要跟卡蘿、蘇珊談?wù)?br/>...I could convince them to move to London with Ben. 一定能說服她們帶班搬到倫敦
I'm sure your ex-wife would be more than happy to move... 想必你前妻一定樂意搬到國(guó)外 you can patch things up with your new wife. 幫你挽回新太太
It could happen. 不是不可能啊
Ross,we are not moving to London. We already have lives here. 羅斯,我們才不搬到倫敦 我們的生活重心都在這里
...great accents. 口音、
Tea. 茶
They have a queen. 英國(guó)還有女王
-So? -She's a woman. 所以呢?她是女人
-Daddy! -Hey! 爸爸
Guess what? We're moving to London! 告訴你,我們要搬到倫敦了
-Who's going to London? -Nobody's going to London. 誰要搬去倫敦?不是我們
Welcome to London,governor. 歡迎蒞臨倫敦,總督
Right,right. It'll be great because we'll have Big Ben and little Ben... 太棒了,到時(shí)就有大笨鐘 跟我們小班 the same city. 都在倫敦了
Go pack! 趕快去整理行李
See? See,he wants to go. 你們看,他想去
Yeah,we leave all our big decisions to the 3-year-old. 是啊,我們都讓三歲小鬼 決定家里大事
Come on,come on. It'll be just like Three's Company... 這就像“三人行”嘛
...only there's a kid and my wife... 只是另外兩個(gè) 換成一個(gè)小孩跟我老婆
How you doing? Welcome. Good to see you. 你好,歡迎,幸會(huì)
This'll be your phone. 這就是你的電話
That's great. 真好
No,you answer it and take pledges. 你負(fù)責(zé)接電話接受捐款
But I'm the host. 我是主持人
Gary Collins is the host. You'll be answering the phone. 蓋瑞卡林才是主持人 你負(fù)責(zé)接電話
You don't seem to understand. I was Dr. Drake Ramoray. 你恐怕搞不清楚狀況 我是雷醫(yī)生
Well,here's your phone,doctor. 你負(fù)責(zé)這支電話,醫(yī)生
I can't believe I can't find a selfless good deed. 我竟然找不到一件無私的善行
You know that old guy that lives next to me? 以前我家隔壁有個(gè)老頭
I snuck over there and raked up the leaves on his front stoop. 我偷溜到他家 幫他打掃前廊的落葉
But he caught me,and he force-fed me cider and cookies. 他捉到我之后 強(qiáng)迫我喝西打、吃餅干
Then I felt wonderful. That old jackass! 可是我卻很開心,那個(gè)呆子
Maybe Joey's right. Maybe all good deeds are selfish. 或許喬伊說得對(duì) 所有好事的出發(fā)點(diǎn)都有私心
I will find a selfless good deed. I gave birth to three children... 我一定要找到一件無私的善行 畢竟我才剛生出三個(gè)寶寶
...and I won't let them be raised in a world where Joey's right! 不能讓他們?cè)?喬伊有理的世界里長(zhǎng)大
If you're cooking on the stove... 當(dāng)然 如果你用爐子烹飪
...that means your new boyfriend is better in bed than Richard? 是否代表你新男友在床上 比理查還厲害?
I think I'll respect the privacy of my new,secret boyfriend. 我要尊重秘密新男友的隱私
Why? 為什么?
If this guy was me... 如果我是他
and it's me who'd learned that it was me who was the best you'd ever had... 又知道 自己是你碰過最棒的情人
...I'd be like this: 我一定樂歪了
All right,Emily. 艾蜜莉,
As much as I love you... 雖然我很愛你
...I'm sorry,I can't move to London without Ben. 但是我不能丟下班去倫敦
I understand that would be difficult. 我知道這很為難你
Would you consider moving here? You were moving here anyway. 請(qǐng)你考慮搬過來好嗎?
Why can't you just do that? 你本來就打算搬來 為何不現(xiàn)在就來呢?
I don't know. It's just 我不知道,只是…
But I know that even though I've been a complete idiot up till now... 我知道自己到目前為止 都蠢頭蠢腦 have to come here. 但是你還是應(yīng)該過來
You have to,so we can work this out together. 我們才能繼續(xù)走下去
All right. 好吧
Did you just say "all right"? 你剛說好?
I did. Now I'm the idiot. 沒錯(cuò),現(xiàn)在換我是白癡
It'll be great! 太棒了
We're going to be like two idiots in love! 我們就像墜入愛河的白癡
There's one thing that really scares me still. 羅斯,有件是還是讓我很擔(dān)心
-Yes,tell me. -You must understand... 你盡管說 humiliating it was for me at the altar... 你要知道當(dāng)天婚禮 front of my family and friends. 我在親朋好友面前有多丟臉
I know. I am so sorry. 我知道,我非常抱歉
And then,after deciding to forgive you... 當(dāng)我決定原諒你
...seeing you at the airport, catching our plane with her. 卻看到你跟她趕著上飛機(jī)
Again,very sorry. 這也是我的錯(cuò)
I mean,I can't be in the same room as her. 我根本無法與她共處一室
It drives me mad thinking of you being in the same room as her. 我光想到你跟她共處一室 就快氣壞了
Emily,there is nothing between Rachel and me. 艾蜜莉,我跟瑞秋根本沒什么
I love you. 我愛的是你
All right. 好吧
I'll come to New York, and we'll try to make this work. 我去紐約,我們?cè)僭囋嚳?br/>That's so great! 太好了
As long as you don't see Rachel anymore. 只要你答應(yīng)不再見瑞秋
I asked Emily if she would come to New York. 我就問艾蜜莉愿不愿意來紐約
And she said yes. 她答應(yīng)了
Great! 太好了 贊
Only if I promise never to see Rachel again. 條件是我不準(zhǔn)再見瑞秋
What? You can't 為什么? 什么?不成啦
What did you say? 你怎么說?
I'd think about it. How am l supposed to make this decision? 我說在考慮 我到底該怎么決定?
I'm actually asking you! 我這是在問你們
That's true! 對(duì) 也是
You can't just cut Rachel out of your life! 你跟瑞秋從中學(xué)就認(rèn)識(shí) 不能說不見就不見
That's true! 你說得也對(duì) 的確不行
Thanks for the help. Problem solved! 謝謝你們的幫忙 問題一點(diǎn)也沒解決
喂 摩妮卡
When will you be on TV? 喬伊,我們看了一整天電視 你到底何時(shí)才會(huì)出現(xiàn)?
There was kind of a mix-up in my agent's office... 我經(jīng)紀(jì)人搞錯(cuò)了
...but I'm still on TV, and that's good exposure. 反正我上了電視就有曝光率
You're not on TV. 你沒上電視啊
How about now? 好吧,現(xiàn)在呢?
There he is! 有了,看到他了
Hello,New York! 嗨,紐約
Maybe just put the whole duck in there. Who cares? 問題是這里有整支鴨 不過管他的
Now I got the legs. 我先處理鴨腿
How many times have I told you to never watch the cooking channel? 我說過多少次 不準(zhǔn)看烹飪頻道
I need that broiling pan that Joey borrowed. 我來要回喬伊上次借的烤盤
That was yours? 那是你的?
We used it when the duck was throwing up caterpillars. 我們上次用來 盛小鴨吐出來的蟲子
Williams-Sonoma, fall catalog,page 27. “威廉索諾瑪”秋季刊27頁(yè)
Expect it in 4 to 6 weeks. 4到6周后送貨到家
Joey's at the telethon for the rest of the day. 喬伊今天一整天都不在
We have the place to ourselves. 整個(gè)家里就只有我們兩個(gè)
Yeah,so? 那又如何?
Maybe you'd want to book some time with "the best you've ever had." 或許你想跟最佳情人 預(yù)約時(shí)間約會(huì)
You know what,champ?
I think I'll pass. 我自愿放棄
What's your point? 什么意思?
With all the stupid gloating, would you want to sleep with you? 瞧你一副得意洋洋的蠢相 換作是你,還會(huì)有性趣嗎?
Well,I think I'd be a little out of my league, but I'd give it a shot. 或許有點(diǎn)困難,不過我會(huì)努力
PBS Telethon. 公視電視募捐
I just wanted to let you know that I found a selfless good deed. 喬伊,告訴你 我找到無私的善行了
I went down to the park and I let a bee sting me. 我剛?cè)ス珗@讓蜜蜂叮我
What good is that going to do? 什么?這對(duì)誰有好處?
It helps the bee look tough in front of his bee friends. 這支蜜蜂在同伴面前 臉上有光
The bee is happy, and I am definitely not. 蜜蜂很開心,我卻很痛
You know,the bee probably died after he stung you. 蜜蜂叮了你就死了
Damn it! 可惡
Back on in 30 seconds,people! 各位,30秒后開始錄影
Excuse me, would you mind switching with me? 抱歉,可以跟你換位子嗎?
No way. I'm in the shot,man. 甭想,我剛好在鏡頭里
-You've been here all day! -I'm taking pledges. 拜托,你已經(jīng)佔(zhàn)這位子一天了
And we're on three,two.... 倒數(shù)計(jì)時(shí)3、2、1
If you've been enjoying Cirque du Soleil... 如果各位喜歡“太陽馬戲團(tuán)”
...and you'd like to see more, it's very simple. 以后還想收看同類型節(jié)目 方法很簡(jiǎn)單
All you have to do is call in a pledge... 只要打電話捐款
...and tell one of our volunteers what type of programming you 并告訴我們的義工 閣下喜歡收看哪類型節(jié)目
-Quick broiling pan question -Yes,it really does cost that much. 問你一個(gè)烤盤的問題好嗎? 價(jià)錢就是這么貴
Maybe next time your duck can puke in something from Pottery Barn. 或許你們下次可以考慮 用廉價(jià)盤子處理鴨子的嘔吐物
That's it. I cannot make this decision. It is too difficult. 夠了 我無法做決定 這實(shí)在太難了
I leave it entirely up to the gods of fate. 我決定交給命運(yùn)之神
A Magic 8 Ball? 神奇8號(hào)球?
You can't make this decision with a toy! 你開玩笑吧? 怎么可以用玩具決定命運(yùn)?
It's not a toy. 這可不是玩具
I don't know what else to do! 我別無選擇
I either keep my wife and lose one of my best friends... 不是追回老婆,失去好朋友
...or I get divorced for the second time before I'm 30. 就是留下朋友 在30歲前離婚兩次
If anyone else has a better suggestion,let's hear it. 要是有人有更好的建議 現(xiàn)在就說出來
Because I got nothing! Don't be shy. 否則我真的沒有辦法! 大家別害羞
Any suggestion will do. 各種建議都可以
Okay,then. 好吧
Here we go. 開始了
Magic 8 Ball... 神奇8號(hào)球
"Ask Again Later." 待會(huì)再問
Later is not good enough! 這個(gè)答案不夠好
"Ask Again Later." 待會(huì)再問
What the hell? 搞屁啊
This is broken! It is broken! 這東西壞掉了
Let me see. 我來看看
Will Chandler have *** tonight? 錢德今晚會(huì)跟女人上床嗎?
Seems like it works to me. 我倒覺得沒壞掉
Okay,one more time. 好,再來一次
Should I never see Rachel again? 我是否不該再見瑞秋了?
Magic 8 Ball! What did you ask? 神奇8號(hào)球!你問什么?
...Rachel get to pick the movie that we're all going to see tonight? 今晚要看的電影 可以交由瑞秋決定嗎?
Excellent. What's the answer? 很好,答案是什么?
Looks like Stella's gonna get her groove back tonight! 看來老牛今晚吃得到嫩草了
PBS Telethon. 公視電視募款
Hi,Joey. 嗨,喬伊
Hey,Phoebe. 嗨,菲比
I'd like to make a pledge. 我要捐錢
I would like to donate $200. 我想捐200元
Two hundred dollars? 200元?你確定?
You sure? After what Sesame Street did to you? “芝麻街”可是傷你不淺 lots of kids whose moms didn't kill themselves. 不過我也知道 很多媽媽沒自殺的小孩很愛看
So there! A selfless good deed. 你看,這就是無私的善行
No,it sucks! I was saving up to buy a hamster. 難過死了 我本想用那筆錢買支黃金鼠
A hamster? Those things are,like,$10. 黃金鼠?那種寵物 10元就買得到
Not the one I had my eye on. 我喜歡那支可沒那么便宜
It looks like we have surpassed last year's pledge total. 看來今年的募款 已經(jīng)超過去年總額
Thank you! 謝謝各位
And the pledge that did it was taken by one of our volunteers. 打破紀(jì)錄的捐款是由 我們的義工募得
Oh,boy! And may I say, one of our sharpest dressed volunteers. 而且這位還穿得很體面
Mr. Joseph Tribbiani! 這位就是喬伊崔比亞尼
Oh,look! 看呀
Joey's on TV! 喬伊上電視了
Isn't that great? 太棒了
My pledge got Joey on TV! That makes me feel so 我的捐款讓喬伊上了電視
Oh,no! 這真是讓我…糟糕
Look... 或許
...I got carried away before, but there's something you got to know. 我先前太得意了 不過有件事要告訴你
If I'm the best,it's only because you made me the best. 如果我表現(xiàn)得很好也是因?yàn)槟?br/>Keep talking. 說下去
I was nothing before you. 跟你在一起之前 我根本表現(xiàn)平平
Call the other girls and ask. 你可以打去問我以前那些女友
...oh,my God! 我…的…天…啊
-Really? -Oh,my God! 真的? 天…啊
I understand if you never want to sleep with me again. 如果你不想再跟我上床 我也能體諒
But that would be wrong. 不過這決定就不對(duì)了
We're too good. 我們太厲害了
We owe it to ***! 不上床實(shí)在太可惜
If we owe it! 如果真是這樣…
Oh,my! 天啊
When will Joey be home? 喬伊何時(shí)回來?
I was kind of hoping we could do this without him. 我們應(yīng)該不需要等他
No,no,no! Leave the gloves on. 沒關(guān)系,手套不用脫
I cleaned the bathroom. 可是我剛在清廁所
Why don't we lose the gloves. 那就脫掉吧 好
All right. Let's show them how it's done. 讓大家看看誰才是高手 好
-You know that wasn't part of it? -I know. 這不包括在內(nèi) 我知道
You ready? We're going to be late. 嗨,你準(zhǔn)備好沒? 我們要遲到了
-For what? -For Stella,remember? 遲到什么?看電影?。磕銢]忘吧?
She's getting her groove back in 20 minutes. 史黛拉都快把到男人了
I totally forgot about that. 我完全忘記了
Can I take a rain check? I'm waiting for a call from Emily. 你不介意我爽約一次吧? 我正在等艾蜜莉的電話
Sure,I guess. 沒關(guān)系
I hear you don't have to go to London. 聽說你不用去倫敦了,好耶
It's not that easy. There's still a lot of relationship stuff. 事情沒那么簡(jiǎn)單 我們還有很多問題
Like what? 例如?
Just stuff. 就是一些問題
You know,kind of what Emily wants. 艾蜜莉?qū)ξ矣行┮?br/>Talk to me. Maybe I can help. 你可以告訴我 或許我?guī)偷蒙厦?br/>You can't help. 不行,你幫不上忙
I have to do this without your help. 這件事你幫不上忙
I know you can do that too. I'm just saying if you need to talk.... 我知道你自己辦得到 但是如果你想找人談?wù)劇?br/>嗨
Thanks. 謝了
Whatever it is that Emily wants... 無論艾蜜莉有何要求
...just give it to her. 你答應(yīng)就是了
The bottom line is that you love her. 最重要的是你愛她
Fix whatever she wants fixed. 她怎么要求,你就怎么做
Just do it. 答應(yīng)就對(duì)了
You're going to have to try. You'll hate yourself if you don't. 你總得試試看 不試試以后一定會(huì)后悔
Come on,answer it! 快接電話啊,我都快被逼瘋了
Hi,sweetie. 喂,親愛的
Good. 我很好
Yes,I've been thinking... 我考慮過
...about that thing you wanted me to do. 你的要求
I can do it. 我辦得到
Will you come to New York? 你愿意來紐約嗎?
-Never done that before. -Nope. 以前沒試過這招 我也沒

Friends S05E04LRC歌詞

[00:08.80]Come in. 進(jìn)來
[00:10.64]I've been waiting for you. 我等很久了
[00:16.38]Hi,I just 我只是…
[00:18.68]Oh,my God! Monica! 天啊,摩妮卡
[00:20.72]Oh,my God!
[00:22.38]I'm sorry! I was 抱歉抱歉
[00:24.52]I was taking a nap. 我正在睡午覺
[00:26.19]Since when do you take naps in that position? 你從何時(shí)開始 用那種怪姿勢(shì)睡覺?
[00:31.49]Tell me you were waiting for a guy. Please tell me. 摩妮卡,你是在等男人吧? 拜托你說是在等男人
[00:35.03]Yes,I was. A guy. 沒錯(cuò),我在等男人
[00:37.87]From work. 公司同事
[00:40.04]I'm seeing a guy from work! 我最近跟同事約會(huì)
[00:44.67]That cute waiter guy that looks like a nonthreatening Ray Liotta? 那個(gè)長(zhǎng)得像雷李歐塔親切版的 帥哥服務(wù)生?
[00:50.31]That one! 就是他
[00:52.05]Give me a second. I'm just going to grab a jacket. 我馬上就閃人 我只是回來拿件外套
[00:55.88]When I get back, I want every little detail. 等我回來可要告訴我詳情
[01:02.86]Maybe that's him. 他可能來了
[01:08.66]It's just Joey and Ross. 只是喬伊跟羅斯
[01:11.17]Why aren't you at the movie? 你們不是去看電影嗎?
[01:12.83]Ross was so loud,they threw us out. 對(duì)啊,可是羅斯講電話太吵 才被電影院轟出來
[01:16.40]I had to talk loud because the movie was loud! 電影太吵,我當(dāng)然得大聲講
[01:22.01]He's talking to London. 他打電話去倫敦
[01:23.58]Did he get in touch with Emily? 為什么?他找到艾蜜莉了?
[01:25.91]No,not yet. He's hoping that someone will help him get in touch with her. 還沒,但是他打給女方親戚 希望有人愿意幫他
[01:31.05]I don't care if I said some other girl's name,you prissy old twit! 就算我說錯(cuò)名字又如何 你這大驚小怪的笨蛋
[01:37.73]Way to suck up to the family! 羅斯,你巴結(jié)姻親真有一套
[01:47.30]I'm so glad you're all here. My office finally got wrinkle-free fax paper! 真高興大家都在 我們公司終于買免皺傳真紙了
[01:55.28]The One Where Phoebe Hates PBS 本集播出:“好人好事”
[02:42.72]Hi,is this Nanny Hopkins? I'm looking for Emily. 請(qǐng)問是霍普金奶媽嗎? 我找艾蜜莉
[02:48.03]Waltham. 沃森
[02:49.76]Oh,I'm sorry. Is this 0-1-1-4-4-7-4-2... 抱歉,這是011447 4293474267嗎?
[03:02.01]Oh,it's "4-3," not 4-2. 是43不是42啊
[03:04.61]Well,which 4-2? 哪個(gè)42?
[03:13.00]Don't worry, I had it dry-cleaned. 放心,我送去干洗過了
[03:15.19]Vomit tux? 嘔吐西裝?
[03:16.83]Who vomited on? 誰會(huì)吐在西裝上?
[03:19.00]You know what? What you up to,Joe? 喬伊,你為何穿成這樣?
[03:22.20]They're doing this telethon thing on TV. 我要上馬拉式電視節(jié)目
[03:25.10]And my agent got me a job as cohost! 我的經(jīng)紀(jì)幫我爭(zhēng)取當(dāng)主持人
[03:27.80]That's great! 太棒了
[03:29.54]A little good deed for PBS, plus some TV exposure. 幫公視做好事 又能增加曝光率
[03:33.71]That's the kind of math Joey likes to do. 我喬伊最愛做這種事了
[03:38.01]Oh,PBS! 公視啊
[03:40.38]-What's wrong with PBS? -What's right with them? 公視哪里不對(duì)了?
[03:44.72]Why don't you like PBS? 菲比,你為何不喜歡公視?
[03:46.65]Right after my Mom killed herself, I was in a bad place,personally. 因?yàn)槲覌屪詺⒅?我個(gè)人非常難過
[03:52.33]I thought I'd write to Sesame Street. 所以我想寫信給芝麻街 心情應(yīng)該會(huì)好一點(diǎn)
[03:57.17]Because they were nice when I was a little kid. 因?yàn)槲倚r(shí)候 總覺得他們很親切
[04:00.37]No one ever wrote back. 結(jié)果根本沒人回信
[04:02.24]A lot of those muppets don't have thumbs. 那些布偶根本沒有手指
[04:07.18]All I got was a lousy key chain,and by that time,I was living in a box. 我只收到一個(gè)惡爛鑰匙環(huán) 拜托,我那時(shí)住在紙箱里耶
[04:11.51]I didn't have keys! 連鑰匙都沒有
[04:14.38]I'm sorry,Phoebe. 我很遺憾,菲比
[04:15.85]I wanted to do a good deed, like you did with the babies. 我只是想做好事 就像你幫忙生小孩
[04:19.49]This isn't a good deed. You just want to get on TV. This is selfish. 你才不是做善事 只是想上電視,根本就很自私
[04:23.89]What about you having those babies for your brother? 哇… 你幫弟弟生小孩又怎么說?
[04:28.10]That's selfish! 自私的不是只有我
[04:31.60]What are you talking about? 你胡說什么?
[04:33.60]It was a nice thing, but it made you feel good,right? 你的確是幫忙他們 不過自己心情也很好吧?
[04:37.07]Yeah,so? 那又如何?
[04:38.51]It made you feel good so that makes it selfish. 因?yàn)槟阕錾剖滦那楹?也算是自私的一種
[04:41.41]Look,there's no unselfish good deeds. Sorry. 世界上根本就沒有無私的好事
[04:45.05]Yes,there are totally good deeds that are selfless! 明明就有 有很多行善的人都沒有私心
[04:49.02]May I ask for one example? 請(qǐng)你舉出一個(gè)例子
[04:51.05]Yeah,it's You know,there's 就是有,例如…
[04:54.12]No,you may not! 我不想說
[04:57.63]Because all people are selfish. 因?yàn)樗腥硕己茏运?br />[05:00.03]Are you calling me selfish? 你說我自私?
[05:02.20]Are you calling you people? 你難道不是人?
[05:06.94]Sorry to burst that bubble,Phoebe, 菲比,很抱歉戳破你的美夢(mèng)
[05:08.57]but selfless good deeds don't exist. 世界上沒有無私的善事
[05:12.27]You know the deal on Santa Claus? 你也知道圣誕老人吧?
[05:26.82]Oh,my God! It's Emily! 艾蜜莉,天啊,是艾蜜莉
[05:29.29]It's Emily,everyone! 大家不要吵!
[05:34.80]I'm only ringing to say stop harassing my relatives. Goodbye. 我打來只是要告訴你 別再騷擾我家人了,再見
[05:38.67]You can hang up,but I'll keep calling everyone in England... 等一下,就算你掛斷 我也會(huì)繼續(xù)打
[05:42.77]...if that's what it takes to get you to talk to me. 如果要打給所有英國(guó)人 才能逼你跟我說話 我也辦得到
[05:47.18]Really? About what? 真的?你想談什么?
[05:48.61]Look,you're my wife. We're married. 你是我太太,我們已經(jīng)結(jié)婚
[05:51.68]You know,I love you. 而且我愛你
[05:53.45]I really miss you. 我很想你
[05:57.25]I miss you too. 我也很想你
[05:59.35]At least,I think I do. 至少我認(rèn)為如此
[06:01.52]She's talking. 她肯跟我說話了
[06:08.63]When you said "the deal with Santa," you meant...? 喬伊,你剛剛 為何提到圣誕老人?
[06:11.70]That he doesn't exist. 根本沒有這號(hào)人物
[06:13.43]Right. 這樣啊
[06:19.54]Chandler,have you heard about Monica's secret boyfriend? 錢德,你聽說 摩妮卡的地下情人了嗎?
[06:24.55]Yeah,she might have mentioned him. 知道,她…她是提過
[06:27.85]So,Mon,when are we going to meet this new,secret waiter man? 我們到底何時(shí) 才能認(rèn)識(shí)這個(gè)服務(wù)生?
[06:32.62]I don't think he's up to meeting everyone yet. 他很害羞,現(xiàn)在還沒準(zhǔn)備 認(rèn)識(shí)大家
[06:35.69]Yeah,I don't think he's up to it. 我想他還沒準(zhǔn)備好
[06:38.66]I want to meet this guy who's the best *** she ever had. 我不管,我想見他 她說對(duì)方床上一級(jí)棒
[06:43.87]Really? 真的?
[06:47.17]That's what you heard? You said that? 她說過?你說過?
[06:50.00]I might have. 大概吧
[06:54.48]Why is that funny? 這有什么好笑?
[06:56.81]Because I'm very happy for him. 因?yàn)槲液転樗吲d
[06:59.71]And you! You lucky dog! 你真是走狗運(yùn)!
[07:06.39]She's willing to work on the relationship. 艾蜜莉愿意跟我復(fù)合
[07:09.26]That's great! 太好了
[07:10.53]In London. 她要我去倫敦
[07:12.23]She wants me to move to London. 她要我搬到倫敦去
[07:14.83]But you live here. 可是你住在這里
[07:19.27]You know that. 我這是廢話
[07:22.57]-What will you do? -I don't know. 你打算怎么辦?不知道
[07:24.71]-I mean,I can't leave Ben. -You can just video-conference with him. 我不能丟下班 你可以跟他用視訊會(huì)議
[07:30.38]I'm not ready to have a child. 我還不夠格當(dāng)爸爸
[07:34.22]I bet if I talked to Carol and Susan... 只要跟卡蘿、蘇珊談?wù)?br />[07:37.05]...I could convince them to move to London with Ben. 一定能說服她們帶班搬到倫敦
[07:41.06]I'm sure your ex-wife would be more than happy to move... 想必你前妻一定樂意搬到國(guó)外
[07:44.03] you can patch things up with your new wife. 幫你挽回新太太
[07:49.20]It could happen. 不是不可能啊
[07:53.37]Ross,we are not moving to London. We already have lives here. 羅斯,我們才不搬到倫敦 我們的生活重心都在這里
[08:01.38]...great accents. 口音、
[08:05.28]Tea. 茶
[08:07.92]They have a queen. 英國(guó)還有女王
[08:11.05]-So? -She's a woman. 所以呢?她是女人
[08:16.69]-Daddy! -Hey! 爸爸
[08:19.19]Guess what? We're moving to London! 告訴你,我們要搬到倫敦了
[08:23.60]-Who's going to London? -Nobody's going to London. 誰要搬去倫敦?不是我們
[08:26.53]Welcome to London,governor. 歡迎蒞臨倫敦,總督
[08:29.77]Right,right. It'll be great because we'll have Big Ben and little Ben... 太棒了,到時(shí)就有大笨鐘 跟我們小班
[08:33.54] the same city. 都在倫敦了
[08:36.61]Go pack! 趕快去整理行李
[08:39.01]See? See,he wants to go. 你們看,他想去
[08:41.82]Yeah,we leave all our big decisions to the 3-year-old. 是啊,我們都讓三歲小鬼 決定家里大事
[08:46.29]Come on,come on. It'll be just like Three's Company... 這就像“三人行”嘛
[08:49.69]...only there's a kid and my wife... 只是另外兩個(gè) 換成一個(gè)小孩跟我老婆
[09:01.17]How you doing? Welcome. Good to see you. 你好,歡迎,幸會(huì)
[09:05.01]This'll be your phone. 這就是你的電話
[09:10.48]That's great. 真好
[09:15.55]No,you answer it and take pledges. 你負(fù)責(zé)接電話接受捐款
[09:18.15]But I'm the host. 我是主持人
[09:19.49]Gary Collins is the host. You'll be answering the phone. 蓋瑞卡林才是主持人 你負(fù)責(zé)接電話
[09:24.43]You don't seem to understand. I was Dr. Drake Ramoray. 你恐怕搞不清楚狀況 我是雷醫(yī)生
[09:28.73]Well,here's your phone,doctor. 你負(fù)責(zé)這支電話,醫(yī)生
[09:33.90]I can't believe I can't find a selfless good deed. 我竟然找不到一件無私的善行
[09:37.00]You know that old guy that lives next to me? 以前我家隔壁有個(gè)老頭
[09:39.57]I snuck over there and raked up the leaves on his front stoop. 我偷溜到他家 幫他打掃前廊的落葉
[09:43.18]But he caught me,and he force-fed me cider and cookies. 他捉到我之后 強(qiáng)迫我喝西打、吃餅干
[09:49.12]Then I felt wonderful. That old jackass! 可是我卻很開心,那個(gè)呆子
[09:53.12]Maybe Joey's right. Maybe all good deeds are selfish. 或許喬伊說得對(duì) 所有好事的出發(fā)點(diǎn)都有私心
[09:56.79]I will find a selfless good deed. I gave birth to three children... 我一定要找到一件無私的善行 畢竟我才剛生出三個(gè)寶寶
[10:00.53]...and I won't let them be raised in a world where Joey's right! 不能讓他們?cè)?喬伊有理的世界里長(zhǎng)大
[10:09.70]If you're cooking on the stove... 當(dāng)然 如果你用爐子烹飪
[10:11.87]...that means your new boyfriend is better in bed than Richard? 是否代表你新男友在床上 比理查還厲害?
[10:23.22]I think I'll respect the privacy of my new,secret boyfriend. 我要尊重秘密新男友的隱私
[10:27.79]Why? 為什么?
[10:31.49]If this guy was me... 如果我是他
[10:33.09]and it's me who'd learned that it was me who was the best you'd ever had... 又知道 自己是你碰過最棒的情人
[10:37.60]...I'd be like this: 我一定樂歪了
[10:49.18]All right,Emily. 艾蜜莉,
[10:50.61]As much as I love you... 雖然我很愛你
[10:52.58]...I'm sorry,I can't move to London without Ben. 但是我不能丟下班去倫敦
[10:56.48]I understand that would be difficult. 我知道這很為難你
[10:59.19]Would you consider moving here? You were moving here anyway. 請(qǐng)你考慮搬過來好嗎?
[11:03.16]Why can't you just do that? 你本來就打算搬來 為何不現(xiàn)在就來呢?
[11:05.66]I don't know. It's just 我不知道,只是…
[11:07.86]But I know that even though I've been a complete idiot up till now... 我知道自己到目前為止 都蠢頭蠢腦
[11:14.94] have to come here. 但是你還是應(yīng)該過來
[11:17.10]You have to,so we can work this out together. 我們才能繼續(xù)走下去
[11:21.04]All right. 好吧
[11:23.38]Did you just say "all right"? 你剛說好?
[11:25.21]I did. Now I'm the idiot. 沒錯(cuò),現(xiàn)在換我是白癡
[11:30.32]It'll be great! 太棒了
[11:31.69]We're going to be like two idiots in love! 我們就像墜入愛河的白癡
[11:39.36]There's one thing that really scares me still. 羅斯,有件是還是讓我很擔(dān)心
[11:42.50]-Yes,tell me. -You must understand... 你盡管說
[11:45.03] humiliating it was for me at the altar... 你要知道當(dāng)天婚禮
[11:48.14] front of my family and friends. 我在親朋好友面前有多丟臉
[11:50.64]I know. I am so sorry. 我知道,我非常抱歉
[11:53.67]And then,after deciding to forgive you... 當(dāng)我決定原諒你
[11:57.75]...seeing you at the airport, catching our plane with her. 卻看到你跟她趕著上飛機(jī)
[12:01.68]Again,very sorry. 這也是我的錯(cuò)
[12:06.15]I mean,I can't be in the same room as her. 我根本無法與她共處一室
[12:09.36]It drives me mad thinking of you being in the same room as her. 我光想到你跟她共處一室 就快氣壞了
[12:13.89]Emily,there is nothing between Rachel and me. 艾蜜莉,我跟瑞秋根本沒什么
[12:19.20]I love you. 我愛的是你
[12:22.34]All right. 好吧
[12:24.34]I'll come to New York, and we'll try to make this work. 我去紐約,我們?cè)僭囋嚳?br />[12:28.44]That's so great! 太好了
[12:29.74]As long as you don't see Rachel anymore. 只要你答應(yīng)不再見瑞秋
[12:41.19]I asked Emily if she would come to New York. 我就問艾蜜莉愿不愿意來紐約
[12:44.79]And she said yes. 她答應(yīng)了
[12:46.73]Great! 太好了 贊
[12:50.10]Only if I promise never to see Rachel again. 條件是我不準(zhǔn)再見瑞秋
[12:53.47]What? You can't 為什么? 什么?不成啦
[12:55.14]What did you say? 你怎么說?
[12:56.44]I'd think about it. How am l supposed to make this decision? 我說在考慮 我到底該怎么決定?
[13:03.04]I'm actually asking you! 我這是在問你們
[13:13.82]That's true! 對(duì) 也是
[13:17.16]You can't just cut Rachel out of your life! 你跟瑞秋從中學(xué)就認(rèn)識(shí) 不能說不見就不見
[13:20.33]That's true! 你說得也對(duì) 的確不行
[13:23.63]Thanks for the help. Problem solved! 謝謝你們的幫忙 問題一點(diǎn)也沒解決
[13:31.54]喂 摩妮卡
[13:34.28]When will you be on TV? 喬伊,我們看了一整天電視 你到底何時(shí)才會(huì)出現(xiàn)?
[13:36.94]There was kind of a mix-up in my agent's office... 我經(jīng)紀(jì)人搞錯(cuò)了
[13:40.15]...but I'm still on TV, and that's good exposure. 反正我上了電視就有曝光率
[13:43.68]You're not on TV. 你沒上電視啊
[13:49.00]How about now? 好吧,現(xiàn)在呢?
[13:53.19]There he is! 有了,看到他了
[13:54.93]Hello,New York! 嗨,紐約
[13:58.70]Maybe just put the whole duck in there. Who cares? 問題是這里有整支鴨 不過管他的
[14:02.30]Now I got the legs. 我先處理鴨腿
[14:07.88]How many times have I told you to never watch the cooking channel? 我說過多少次 不準(zhǔn)看烹飪頻道
[14:15.38]I need that broiling pan that Joey borrowed. 我來要回喬伊上次借的烤盤
[14:18.69]That was yours? 那是你的?
[14:20.52]We used it when the duck was throwing up caterpillars. 我們上次用來 盛小鴨吐出來的蟲子
[14:25.36]Williams-Sonoma, fall catalog,page 27. “威廉索諾瑪”秋季刊27頁(yè)
[14:28.30]Expect it in 4 to 6 weeks. 4到6周后送貨到家
[14:33.20]Joey's at the telethon for the rest of the day. 喬伊今天一整天都不在
[14:36.40]We have the place to ourselves. 整個(gè)家里就只有我們兩個(gè)
[14:38.51]Yeah,so? 那又如何?
[14:40.17]Maybe you'd want to book some time with "the best you've ever had." 或許你想跟最佳情人 預(yù)約時(shí)間約會(huì)
[14:46.31]You know what,champ?
[14:48.42]I think I'll pass. 我自愿放棄
[15:05.77]What's your point? 什么意思?
[15:09.00]With all the stupid gloating, would you want to sleep with you? 瞧你一副得意洋洋的蠢相 換作是你,還會(huì)有性趣嗎?
[15:11.81]Well,I think I'd be a little out of my league, but I'd give it a shot. 或許有點(diǎn)困難,不過我會(huì)努力
[15:19.65]PBS Telethon. 公視電視募捐
[15:22.68]I just wanted to let you know that I found a selfless good deed. 喬伊,告訴你 我找到無私的善行了
[15:27.25]I went down to the park and I let a bee sting me. 我剛?cè)ス珗@讓蜜蜂叮我
[15:31.19]What good is that going to do? 什么?這對(duì)誰有好處?
[15:33.59]It helps the bee look tough in front of his bee friends. 這支蜜蜂在同伴面前 臉上有光
[15:37.93]The bee is happy, and I am definitely not. 蜜蜂很開心,我卻很痛
[15:41.00]You know,the bee probably died after he stung you. 蜜蜂叮了你就死了
[15:49.58]Damn it! 可惡
[15:52.85]Back on in 30 seconds,people! 各位,30秒后開始錄影
[16:02.26]Excuse me, would you mind switching with me? 抱歉,可以跟你換位子嗎?
[16:05.43]No way. I'm in the shot,man. 甭想,我剛好在鏡頭里
[16:08.43]-You've been here all day! -I'm taking pledges. 拜托,你已經(jīng)佔(zhàn)這位子一天了
[16:11.73]And we're on three,two.... 倒數(shù)計(jì)時(shí)3、2、1
[16:17.14]If you've been enjoying Cirque du Soleil... 如果各位喜歡“太陽馬戲團(tuán)”
[16:20.21]...and you'd like to see more, it's very simple. 以后還想收看同類型節(jié)目 方法很簡(jiǎn)單
[16:24.41]All you have to do is call in a pledge... 只要打電話捐款
[16:27.65]...and tell one of our volunteers what type of programming you 并告訴我們的義工 閣下喜歡收看哪類型節(jié)目
[16:36.06]-Quick broiling pan question -Yes,it really does cost that much. 問你一個(gè)烤盤的問題好嗎? 價(jià)錢就是這么貴
[16:39.43]Maybe next time your duck can puke in something from Pottery Barn. 或許你們下次可以考慮 用廉價(jià)盤子處理鴨子的嘔吐物
[16:46.10]That's it. I cannot make this decision. It is too difficult. 夠了 我無法做決定 這實(shí)在太難了
[16:50.34]I leave it entirely up to the gods of fate. 我決定交給命運(yùn)之神
[16:56.28]A Magic 8 Ball? 神奇8號(hào)球?
[16:57.88]You can't make this decision with a toy! 你開玩笑吧? 怎么可以用玩具決定命運(yùn)?
[17:00.75]It's not a toy. 這可不是玩具
[17:04.28]I don't know what else to do! 我別無選擇
[17:06.92]I either keep my wife and lose one of my best friends... 不是追回老婆,失去好朋友
[17:11.43]...or I get divorced for the second time before I'm 30. 就是留下朋友 在30歲前離婚兩次
[17:15.43]If anyone else has a better suggestion,let's hear it. 要是有人有更好的建議 現(xiàn)在就說出來
[17:19.07]Because I got nothing! Don't be shy. 否則我真的沒有辦法! 大家別害羞
[17:21.64]Any suggestion will do. 各種建議都可以
[17:29.41]Okay,then. 好吧
[17:34.21]Here we go. 開始了
[17:37.15]Magic 8 Ball... 神奇8號(hào)球
[17:45.49]"Ask Again Later." 待會(huì)再問
[17:49.00]Later is not good enough! 這個(gè)答案不夠好
[17:57.77]"Ask Again Later." 待會(huì)再問
[17:59.01]What the hell? 搞屁啊
[18:00.34]This is broken! It is broken! 這東西壞掉了
[18:04.01]Let me see. 我來看看
[18:06.65]Will Chandler have *** tonight? 錢德今晚會(huì)跟女人上床嗎?
[18:15.76]Seems like it works to me. 我倒覺得沒壞掉
[18:18.73]Okay,one more time. 好,再來一次
[18:22.26]Should I never see Rachel again? 我是否不該再見瑞秋了?
[18:27.53]Magic 8 Ball! What did you ask? 神奇8號(hào)球!你問什么?
[18:35.88]...Rachel get to pick the movie that we're all going to see tonight? 今晚要看的電影 可以交由瑞秋決定嗎?
[18:40.41]Excellent. What's the answer? 很好,答案是什么?
[18:45.09]Looks like Stella's gonna get her groove back tonight! 看來老牛今晚吃得到嫩草了
[18:56.16]PBS Telethon. 公視電視募款
[18:58.03]Hi,Joey. 嗨,喬伊
[18:59.33]Hey,Phoebe. 嗨,菲比
[19:00.53]I'd like to make a pledge. 我要捐錢
[19:02.34]I would like to donate $200. 我想捐200元
[19:04.51]Two hundred dollars? 200元?你確定?
[19:06.01]You sure? After what Sesame Street did to you? “芝麻街”可是傷你不淺
[19:11.68] lots of kids whose moms didn't kill themselves. 不過我也知道 很多媽媽沒自殺的小孩很愛看
[19:22.22]So there! A selfless good deed. 你看,這就是無私的善行
[19:27.83]No,it sucks! I was saving up to buy a hamster. 難過死了 我本想用那筆錢買支黃金鼠
[19:32.03]A hamster? Those things are,like,$10. 黃金鼠?那種寵物 10元就買得到
[19:34.84]Not the one I had my eye on. 我喜歡那支可沒那么便宜
[19:37.64]It looks like we have surpassed last year's pledge total. 看來今年的募款 已經(jīng)超過去年總額
[19:41.84]Thank you! 謝謝各位
[19:43.71]And the pledge that did it was taken by one of our volunteers. 打破紀(jì)錄的捐款是由 我們的義工募得
[19:48.88]Oh,boy! And may I say, one of our sharpest dressed volunteers. 而且這位還穿得很體面
[19:54.92]Mr. Joseph Tribbiani! 這位就是喬伊崔比亞尼
[19:57.26]Oh,look! 看呀
[19:58.56]Joey's on TV! 喬伊上電視了
[20:00.39]Isn't that great? 太棒了
[20:01.86]My pledge got Joey on TV! That makes me feel so 我的捐款讓喬伊上了電視
[20:05.70]Oh,no! 這真是讓我…糟糕
[20:14.21]Look... 或許
[20:15.41]...I got carried away before, but there's something you got to know. 我先前太得意了 不過有件事要告訴你
[20:19.88]If I'm the best,it's only because you made me the best. 如果我表現(xiàn)得很好也是因?yàn)槟?br />[20:26.39]Keep talking. 說下去
[20:28.92]I was nothing before you. 跟你在一起之前 我根本表現(xiàn)平平
[20:30.86]Call the other girls and ask. 你可以打去問我以前那些女友
[20:40.53]...oh,my God! 我…的…天…啊
[20:48.24]-Really? -Oh,my God! 真的? 天…啊
[20:54.21]I understand if you never want to sleep with me again. 如果你不想再跟我上床 我也能體諒
[20:58.39]But that would be wrong. 不過這決定就不對(duì)了
[21:01.29]We're too good. 我們太厲害了
[21:03.26]We owe it to ***! 不上床實(shí)在太可惜
[21:08.06]If we owe it! 如果真是這樣…
[21:12.73]Oh,my! 天啊
[21:15.74]When will Joey be home? 喬伊何時(shí)回來?
[21:17.34]I was kind of hoping we could do this without him. 我們應(yīng)該不需要等他
[21:21.94]No,no,no! Leave the gloves on. 沒關(guān)系,手套不用脫
[21:25.48]I cleaned the bathroom. 可是我剛在清廁所
[21:27.15]Why don't we lose the gloves. 那就脫掉吧 好
[21:33.02]All right. Let's show them how it's done. 讓大家看看誰才是高手 好
[21:38.63]-You know that wasn't part of it? -I know. 這不包括在內(nèi) 我知道
[21:56.48]You ready? We're going to be late. 嗨,你準(zhǔn)備好沒? 我們要遲到了
[21:59.11]-For what? -For Stella,remember? 遲到什么?看電影???你沒忘吧?
[22:02.28]She's getting her groove back in 20 minutes. 史黛拉都快把到男人了
[22:06.55]I totally forgot about that. 我完全忘記了
[22:10.06]Can I take a rain check? I'm waiting for a call from Emily. 你不介意我爽約一次吧? 我正在等艾蜜莉的電話
[22:14.80]Sure,I guess. 沒關(guān)系
[22:16.90]I hear you don't have to go to London. 聽說你不用去倫敦了,好耶
[22:21.74]It's not that easy. There's still a lot of relationship stuff. 事情沒那么簡(jiǎn)單 我們還有很多問題
[22:27.01]Like what? 例如?
[22:28.31]Just stuff. 就是一些問題
[22:30.04]You know,kind of what Emily wants. 艾蜜莉?qū)ξ矣行┮?br />[22:34.51]Talk to me. Maybe I can help. 你可以告訴我 或許我?guī)偷蒙厦?br />[22:39.32]You can't help. 不行,你幫不上忙
[22:44.02]I have to do this without your help. 這件事你幫不上忙
[22:49.33]I know you can do that too. I'm just saying if you need to talk.... 我知道你自己辦得到 但是如果你想找人談?wù)劇?br />[22:54.74]嗨
[22:57.60]Thanks. 謝了
[23:03.38]Whatever it is that Emily wants... 無論艾蜜莉有何要求
[23:06.38]...just give it to her. 你答應(yīng)就是了
[23:08.58]The bottom line is that you love her. 最重要的是你愛她
[23:11.22]Fix whatever she wants fixed. 她怎么要求,你就怎么做
[23:14.05]Just do it. 答應(yīng)就對(duì)了
[23:17.29]You're going to have to try. You'll hate yourself if you don't. 你總得試試看 不試試以后一定會(huì)后悔
[23:25.13]Come on,answer it! 快接電話啊,我都快被逼瘋了
[23:30.47]Hi,sweetie. 喂,親愛的
[23:32.81]Good. 我很好
[23:37.28]Yes,I've been thinking... 我考慮過
[23:40.38]...about that thing you wanted me to do. 你的要求
[23:45.82]I can do it. 我辦得到
[23:49.39]Will you come to New York? 你愿意來紐約嗎?
[24:33.63]-Never done that before. -Nope. 以前沒試過這招 我也沒

Friends S05E04歌詞,F(xiàn)riends S05E04LRC歌詞

歌曲名:Friends S05E04  歌手:英語聽力  所屬專輯:《老友記(第五季)》

作詞:  作曲:  發(fā)行公司:未知  發(fā)行時(shí)間:2023-12-18

歌曲ID:3009891  分類:老友記(第五季)  語言:  大?。?9.32 MB  時(shí)長(zhǎng):21:06秒  比特率:129K  評(píng)分:0.0分

介紹:《Friends S05E04》 是 英語聽力 演唱的歌曲,時(shí)長(zhǎng)21分06秒,由作詞,作曲,該歌曲收錄在英語聽力2023年的專輯《老友記(第五季)》之中,如果您覺得好聽的話,就把這首歌分享給您的朋友共同聆聽,一起支持歌手英語聽力吧!

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