[00:11.26]Our love is like a hurricane
[00:14.07]Got it swirling around in my brain
[00:17.04]Feels like everyday's a Saturday
[00:19.95]Right now I need a simple day
[00:23.10]'Cause love is like a hurricane
[00:25.90]Call me up and just stop this feeling
[00:28.32]I'll fight for you every single day
[00:31.83]Our love is like a hurricane
[00:38.65]Nimic nu e pe bune bunatatea-i slabiciune
[00:42.58]Am nevoie de-un PR ca sa pot s-apar in lume
[00:45.19]Iti iei haine de top schimbi masinile non-stop
[00:48.02]Dar iti vezi familia in poze de pe desktop
[00:50.85]Ne judecam dupa avere insa oricat de scupe ar fi
[00:53.88]Toate gentile tin chestii-n ele
[00:56.86]La toate telefoanele te-auzi la fel
[00:58.95]Si chiar si bicicleta te plimba prin cartier
[01:02.59]Dragoste n-ai unde sa gasesti
[01:05.66]N-ai unde sa-ntalnesi chiar daca iti doresti
[01:09.53]N-ai unde sa gasesti poate doar in povesti sa-ntalnesti
[01:12.77]Our love is like a hurricane
[01:16.24]Got it swirling 'round in my brain
[01:19.25]Feels like everyday's a Saturday
[01:22.14]Right now I need a simple day
[01:25.30]'Cause love is like a hurricane
[01:28.09]Call me up and just stop this feeling
[01:30.52]I'll fight for you every single day
[01:34.00]Our love is like a hurricane
[01:39.19]No no no
[01:45.21]Our love is like a hurricane
[01:48.91]Cu ochii in celulare calculatoare
[01:52.74]Ne uitam tot mai mult in jos si mai putin la soare
[01:59.04]Dependenti de buze rujate funduri bombate
[02:00.77]Ne lasam familiile in spate
[02:05.14]Diavolul rade in hohote
[02:06.29]Nici in biserici nu e dragoste e afacere
[02:07.80]E prea lacom aproapele fratele
[02:11.08]Cand esti la greu multa lume-ntoarce spatele
[02:13.83]Dragoste cauta toti
[02:15.99]Dar trecem unii pe langa altii ca niste roboti
[02:22.68]Pierdem din vedere lucruri esentiale
[02:26.11]In goana dupa bani stii ca dragostea dispare
[02:29.01]Our love is like a hurricane
[02:31.81]Got it swirling 'round in my brain
[02:34.77]Feels like everyday's a Saturday
[02:37.68]Right now I need a simple day
[02:40.85]'Cause love is like a hurricane
[02:43.64]Call me up and just stop this feeling
[02:46.08]I'll fight for you every single day
[02:49.62]Our love is like a hurricane
[03:05.56]Dragoste n-ai unde sa gasesti
[03:07.41]N-ai unde sa-ntalnesi chiar daca iti doresti
[03:11.84]N-ai unde sa gasesti poate doar in povesti sa-ntalnesti
[03:17.39]Dragoste n-ai unde sa gasesti
[03:19.26]N-ai unde sa-ntalnesi chiar daca iti doresti
[03:19.64]N-ai unde sa gasesti poate doar in povesti sa-ntalnesti
[03:22.39]Our love is like a hurricane
[03:25.77]Got it swirling 'round in my brain
[03:34.01]Feels like everyday's a Saturday
[03:36.82]Right now I need a simple day
[03:40.11]'Cause love is like a hurricane
[03:42.89]Call me up and just stop this feeling
[03:45.33]I'll fight for you every single day
[03:48.82]Our love is like a hurricane
[03:52.99]Sa fim in top pe scara sociala
[03:56.27]Asta ne invata inca de la scoala
[04:00.57]Ignoram tot ce ne-nconjoara
[04:02.11]Si d-asta dragostea-i atat de rara
[04:05.19]Ca vrem sa urcam pe scara sociala
[04:08.14]Asta ne invata inca de la scoala
[04:11.06]Ignoram tot ce ne-nconjoara
[04:13.73]Dragostea-i atat de rara.