"Walk In The Light" consists of ten original piano and keyboard melodies that warm the heart and touch the spirit. Each piece provides the listener with a soothing retreat to a place of peace and calm from a world full of noise and hurry. This CD will be a treasured experience for anyone who enjoys peaceful piano music, or artists such as George Winston, Yanni, John Tesh, Jim Brickman, or Kevin Kern.
"Walk In The Light" consists of ten original piano and keyboard melodies that warm the heart and更多>
"Walk In The Light" consists of ten original piano and keyboard melodies that warm the heart and touch the spirit. Each piece provides the listener with a soothing retreat to a place of peace and calm from a world full of noise and hurry. This CD will be a treasured experience for anyone who enjoys peaceful piano music, or artists such as George Winston, Yanni, John Tesh, Jim Brickman, or Kevin Kern.