“Bop City” is the debut full length studio album by American music project Terror Jr, formed by producer Felix Snow with vocalist Lisa and producer David Campa. It was released on October 21st via EFFESS. The album will include all the songs released so far like viral smash “3 Strikes”, “Sugar”, “Trippin'”, “Say So” and the most recent “Come First”. Tracklist: Little White Bars Pray Sugar Come First Say So Super Powers 3 Strikes Truth
“Bop City” is the debut full length studio album by American music project Terror Jr, formed by 更多>
“Bop City” is the debut full length studio album by American music project Terror Jr, formed by producer Felix Snow with vocalist Lisa and producer David Campa. It was released on October 21st via EFFESS. The album will include all the songs released so far like viral smash “3 Strikes”, “Sugar”, “Trippin'”, “Say So” and the most recent “Come First”. Tracklist: Little White Bars Pray Sugar Come First Say So Super Powers 3 Strikes Truth