Michel Camilo

簡介: 這位來自多米尼加圣多明各的樂手彈奏的鋼琴中帶著濃濃的異國風情,他熱情而濃烈的演奏堪稱拉丁爵士的經(jīng)典范例。
出生于音樂世家的Michel Camilo五歲時就顯示出作曲的天分,16歲成為國立交響樂團的鋼琴手。1979年到紐約發(fā)展后,以《Why Not》和《Caribe》兩 更多>

出生于音樂世家的Michel Camilo五歲時就顯示出作曲的天分,16歲成為國立交響樂團的鋼琴手。1979年到紐約發(fā)展后,以《Why Not》和《Caribe》兩曲蠻聲爵士樂壇,其中的《Why Not》更在The Manhattan Transfer的重新詮釋下獲得格萊美最佳拉丁爵士大獎。80年代中期以后,在卡納基舉行音樂會,定期在全國乃至歐洲進行巡演,Michel Camilo逐漸成為爵士樂壇的一顆耀眼的明星。1987年,他應(yīng)邀成為國立交響樂團的指揮,負責他自己的葛萊美獲獎作品《The Goodwill Games Theme》。同年,Michel Camilo成為Heineken爵士音樂節(jié)的音樂導演。此后Michel Camilo事業(yè)一帆風順,他的單曲頻頻上榜,他的作品和身影也常常出現(xiàn)在各大音樂節(jié)上。2001年,他的演奏還出現(xiàn)在拉丁爵士電影《Calle 54》的原聲大碟中。
by Scott Yanow
An exciting and high-powered virtuoso pianist, Michel Camilo came from a very musical family (with all nine of his uncles being musicians). Originally playing accordion, he switched to piano when he was 16. After moving to New York in 1979, his song Why Not? became a hit for the Manhattan Transfer and caught on as a standard, and Caribe entered the repertoire of Dizzy Gillespie. Camilo, who worked with Paquito dRiveras band for three years (cutting an album with Why Not? as the title cut), recorded for Electric Bird (sessions reissued by Evidence) and Columbia, and worked as a leader beginning in the mid-80s. He has released numerous albums under his own name, including Spirit of the Moment in 2007.

