
簡介: 德國樂隊Bloodflowerz成功的將他們的情緒化充滿力量的歌融進了完美的音響。Bloodflowerz?
有深深憂傷,Kirsten無 更多>

有深深憂傷,Kirsten無力的吟唱,馬上把人吸引住……就好象《diabolic angel》的名字一?
Once about a time a diabolical angel spread his blood red wings to the black horizon of the dark metal scene to conquer the hearts by storm. This time was in 2002 when the BLOODFLOWERZ put their debut album Diabolic Angel on a mission to set the country on fire, the country which keeps searching for new musical and lyrical ejections eternally.
And this angel did well. Successful touring with Anathema, Subway to Sally or Crematory as well as playing festivals such as Mera Luna and Summer Breeze, to name just a few, left red hot traces. Nearly one year later the BLOODFLOWERZ jumped into an infernal mix of deadly sins and chivalry. The FLOWERZ 2nd strike 7 Benedictions / 7 Maledictions made the fire in the fans hearts burn even stronger.
With passion stronger than ever, a new line up and a fantastic new album the BLOODFLOWERZ are back on the scene in 2006 to once again enchant the world. Dark Love Poems is a message to drag along hungry hearts. A manifest which gives a powerful voice to the great emotions with its very own comprehension of Gothic, RocknRoll, Metal and Pop. With a dark heartbeat and bright devotion the BLOODFLOWERZ walk the edge between the extremes of musical and emotional passion. Real art is a bleeding, pulsing piece of the artists soul, states Kirsten to describe the power and the motivation for a record like this. Dark Love Poems is of no compromises. Merciless, honest and relentlessly these poems find their way into your deepest inner.
Showing bleeding wounds, angry and desperate tears, destroying hopes just to uncover a bright light this album takes you on a rollercoaster ride through emotions which push you to the ground. It soaks you in and spits you out again just to give you a big hug full of love and mercy.
Dark Love Poems enchants you with hypnotic melodies, heartbreaking confessions full of grief, dreamy ballads and smashing discoveries of human cruelty.
Heavy minded tracks like Illusionary Fields are being answered by easy songs like Healing Hearts or the dreamy harmonies of Dark Angel. An importing thing creating these songs was to find an extraordinary background to the lyrical emotions.
Therefore not only modern or traditional keyboard sounds have been used but also the human and warm character of classical instruments played live. The hypnotising sound of a shalm in Anthem for a Stranger puts a spell on the listener. Whereas the singing violin in The Fool And The King marks the sadness of its poetic expression.
Eleven tracks with an atmospheric spell created by Alexander Krull (Mastersound Studio) and topped up by Timo Wuerzs fantastic artwork and extraordinary pix by Spooky Sally make Dark Love Poems a very special and deep going record with an attitude.
In 2002 Bloodflowerz released their debut album “Diabolic Angel”. After Successfully touring with Anathema, Subway to Sally, and Crematory as well as playing festivals such as Mera Luna and Summer Breeze Bloodflowerz impressed critics all over Germany and Europe as well . Nearly one year later Bloodflowerz released “7 Benedictions / 7 Maledictions“ to strong reviews everywhere. Two years Later Bloodflowerz returned and after a few line-up changes released “Dark Love Poems” . With a newer, stronger line up and a new album Bloodflowerz came back to the Rock/Metal scene to once empress fans and critics. In the bands own words, “Dark Love Poems is a message to drag along hungry hearts. A manifest which gives a powerful voice to the great emotions with its very own comprehension of Gothic, Rock’n’Roll, Metal and Pop". In 2007 Bloodflowerz played many festivals all across Europe and signed an endorsement deal with Pyramid Strings.[1] On December 17, 2007 it was announced on the official Bloodflowerz website that their December 26 concert would be their last concert as a band but that all members will remain active in music and that there is the possibility of a Bloodflowerz reunion in the future

