Paprika Korps

簡介: Paprika Korps is a heavy reggae band from Silesia and among the hardest touring Polish bands, domestic as well as abroad.
Their touring 更多>

Paprika Korps is a heavy reggae band from Silesia and among the hardest touring Polish bands, domestic as well as abroad.
Their touring list over the last three years includes over 200 performances in 20 European countries. In the summer of 2003, Paprika Korps played live in Moscow, Germany, Belgium and Ireland, Poland as well as on the arctic circle in Finland. This heavy touring schedule has earned the band the nickname "The Heavy Reggae Travellers".[who?]
The music has been described as a combination of reggae, dub and punk rock. The band was established in April 1996. It is the date when Paprika Korps played their first concert in Opole

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