
Mysteria is a Finnish band that has been creating and playing since 2003..
Some call us heavy, some metal, some call us p 更多>

Mysteria is a Finnish band that has been creating and playing since 2003..
Some call us heavy, some metal, some call us prog, some rock.. Click yourself to MUSIC to find out more..
Mysteria's musicians have all a long history in music an projects..Cannot live without the music!
Mysteria first struggeled to fit the pieces, never with the music, but to find the line-up of today.
Mysteria's journey has been full of up's and down' we actually do know how you feel..
Mysteria's first EP was published in Dec 2006..Recommending warmly..
Mysteria wishes to grow and spread..Planning to continue and for a future in what we do..
Mysteria loves it live..hope to see U there a.s.a.p..
Mysteria has nice amount of songs and making new ones all the time..Stay tuned, for we add songs here every now and then..
Mysteria members are not alike..there's one of us in every five in U.....
We have not said it all yet so hang in there for more Mysteria as we go on. Take care and remember to enjoy life & music!

