Dark Moor

簡介: 小簡介
風(fēng) 格:前衛(wèi)金屬、交響金屬、速度金屬
Alfred Romero - Vocals
Enrik García - Guitars
Daniel 更多>

風(fēng) 格:前衛(wèi)金屬、交響金屬、速度金屬
Alfred Romero - Vocals
Enrik García - Guitars
Daniel Férnandez - Bass (Inntrance)
Roberto Cappa - Drums (ex-ánima Sola)
Beatriz Albert - Guest Vocals on Dark Moor & From Hell single (Ebony Ark)
Anan Kaddouri - Bass (1999-2004)
Elisa C. Martín - Vocals (1999-2003) (ex-Sabatan, ex-Fairyland, Dreamaker, ex-Ebony Ark, Hamka)
Alberto Maroto - Guitars (1999-2003) (Dreamaker)
Jorge Sáez - Drums (1999-2003) (Dreamaker, ex-Ebony Ark)
Roberto Pe?a de Camus - Keyboards (Dreamaker, ex-Arwen, ex-Ebony Ark)
José A. Garrido - Guitars (2003-2004) (ex-Arwen)
Javier Rubio - Guitars (Inner Beast)
Iván Urbistondo - Vocals (ex-Cuatro Gatos, Beethoven R.)
Andy C. - Drums/Keyboards (Wormed, Saratoga (Esp))
談到交響詩史金屬(Symphonic/Epic Power Metal)它確實為歐陸金屬樂壇注入一股新生命力,它的起源除了70年代的 Symphonic/Progressive Rock(交響/前衛(wèi)搖滾)(E.L.P.、P.F.M.etc.)與巴洛克等古典派的精髓,尚 將歐洲神話與騎士文學(xué)融入其中,可說是文學(xué)與音樂結(jié)合的最佳例證。如果要找出第一支影響此樂派的 金屬樂團,當(dāng)然首推Helloween(萬圣節(jié))這支日耳曼金屬帶頭團體,他們采取部分的華格納音樂成分, 搭配上幻想的史詩色彩,將重金屬的發(fā)展史添上不可抹滅的一筆,此外,Yngwie Malmsteen(英格威.瑪 姆斯?。﹦?chuàng)立的古典速彈樂派也是構(gòu)成此樂派的幕后之手,到了90年代,從Blind Guardian(盲人守護 者)、Angra(安格拉)到Rhapsody(狂想曲)的步步發(fā)展,終于使Symphonic/Epic Metal(交響/史詩 金屬)完全成型,成為21世紀(jì)初最重要的一股金屬勢力!
來自西班牙的Dark Moor(黑 暗沼澤,又譯‘神秘摩爾人’)成軍于1994年,曾與Demons & Wizards(Blind Guardian主唱 + Iced Earth吉他手)同臺演出,不可否認(rèn),他們已將Rhapsody(狂想曲)與Blind Guardian(盲人守護者)的 畢生功力完全承襲,不但保有緊湊的新古點速彈/交響樂編曲以及震撼人心的大合唱,更成功地創(chuàng)造出屬 于西班牙風(fēng)格的交響金屬風(fēng)格,跨越了Rhapsody(狂想曲)所設(shè)下的音樂藩籬,創(chuàng)造了新一類的 Symphonic Metal(交響金屬)!
Dark Moor由吉他手Enrik Garcia成立于1994年西班牙的馬德里。
主唱Elisa Martin在金屬界的女主唱中很罕見,其他的女主唱或有柔和的天使般的嗓音(如Tarja Turunen),或有極端吼叫的死嗓(如Angela Gossow,Karyn Crisis)。Elisa有著古典歐洲力量金屬主唱的嗓音,并且恰恰是女性。
1999年錄制了首張專輯Shadowland。這張CD在德國和巴西發(fā)行,并在日本市場獲得了成功。為了助陣Demons & Wizards的西班牙巡演,Dark Moor進行了幾場頗受好評的現(xiàn)場演出,這使他們被更多的西班牙金屬迷們所知曉。
2000年八月,Dark Moor著手錄制第二張專輯The Hall Of The Olden Dreams。錄制工作在New Sin錄音室進行,制作人是Luigi Stefanini (Labÿrinth, Domine, White Skull.. )。
樂隊?wèi){借這張唱片得到了全世界的認(rèn)可,頻頻亮相各大金屬媒體。The Hall Of The Olden Dreams在日本,巴西,韓國,俄羅斯,南美,泰國,羅馬尼亞和臺灣授權(quán)發(fā)行,成為第一個在世界范圍內(nèi)獲得如此熱烈凡響的西班牙樂隊。Dark Moor打頭陣參加過多個現(xiàn)場表演,并參加過許多西班牙音樂節(jié)如Viña Rock音樂節(jié)(40000人參加)和Mijas Rock音樂節(jié)。2000年,Dark Moor被《Heavy Rock》雜志的讀者評選為年度最佳新晉樂隊。
E.P.The Fall Of Melnibone于2001年六月發(fā)行。包括了“The Fall Of Melnibone”(這首歌只在日本發(fā)行的The Hall Of The Olden Dreams中出現(xiàn)),“Wood Song”(只在韓國發(fā)行的版本中有),“Silver Lake”,“Halloween”,和“Cuentos De Ayer y De Hoy”。這張E.P是限量版,只在西班牙發(fā)行1500張。
2001年秋天,Dark Moor在New Sin錄音室錄制了第三張專輯 The Gates Of Oblivion。這是張典型的受古典影響的速度力量金屬專輯,某種程度上借鑒了Rhapsody, Blind Guardian, Stratovarius。樂隊邀來意大利唱詩班Valcavasia和Cydonia歌唱家Dan Keying加盟。這張唱片是在Finnvox錄音室(Stratovarius, Children Of Bodom, Edguy)錄制的。Andreas Marschall (Blind Guardian, Hammerfall, Running Wild)為專輯畫制封面(The Hall Of The Olden Dreams封面也是他的作品)。The Gates Of Oblivion除了在The Hall Of The Olden Dreams授權(quán)發(fā)行的國家發(fā)行外,還首次在美國和加拿大發(fā)行。
1998年,Elisa參加法國的Fairyland樂隊2003年專輯Of Wars In Osyrhia的錄制。自從Elisa離開加入Dreamaker后,到目前為止,該樂隊沒有再出專輯。
2003年,Dark Moor成員Elisa等人,與阿根廷吉他手Matias Sosa和貝司手Carlos Pena組建Dreamaker樂隊,發(fā)行了兩張專輯。
by Eduardo Rivadavia
One of Spain's longest-running heavy metal exports, Dark Moor was founded in 1994 by Madrid-based guitarist Enrik Garcia, and after honing their fantasy-laced power metal via three demo tapes (1996's Tales of the Dark Moor, 1998's Dreams of Madness, and 1999's Flying), signed with the independent Arise label for the release of their full-length debut, 1999's Shadowland. This was followed by releases like The Hall of the Olden Dreams (2000), The Fall of Melnibone (EP, 2001), The Gates of Oblivion (2002), and Between Light and Darkness (EP, 2003), which drew comparisons to European acts like Rhapsody and Blind Guardian, and fared quite well in established power metal markets such as Germany, Japan, and Brazil. All of these were also recorded by a stable lineup consisting of Garcia, vocalist Elisa Candelas Martín, fellow guitarist Albert Maroto, bassist Anan Kaddouri, keyboardist Roberto Peña de Camus, and drummer Jorge Saez, but a serious creative schism would tear Dark Moor apart (and lead to the creation of rival act Dreamaker) prior to 2003's eponymous long-player, leaving only Garcia and Kaddouri to work with new members Alfred Romero (vocals), Jose Garrido (guitar), and Andy C. (drums). At least the hallmarks of their music weren't altered, although a very distinctive quality was lost with Elisa Martin's departure (the world not being exactly rife with great female metal vocalists). Kaddouri too would decide to split the following year, but was duly replaced by bassist Daniel Fernandez as Dark Moor carried on as usual with 2005's Beyond the Sea.

