[ti:3.Bad-浣庤皟缁勫悎] [ar: ] [al:] [by:] [offset:0] [00:00.23]Bad (Live) - 浣庤皟缁勫悎 [00:00.96]璇嶏細Michael Jackson [00:01.10]鏇诧細Michael Jackson [00:01.39] [00:02.00]涔愰槦鎬荤洃锛氬垬鍗� [00:02.10]閿洏锛氬垬鍗�/鏉庢捣閮� [00:02.20]鍚変粬锛氶珮椋�/閲戝ぉ [00:02.30]璐濆徃锛氭潕涔濆悰 [00:02.40]榧撴墜锛氬崲鐐� [00:02.50]闊冲搷鎬荤洃锛氶噾灏戝垰 [00:02.60] [00:05.31]濂筹細 [00:05.64] [00:06.46]Your butt is mine [00:08.48]Gonna tell you right [00:09.34] [00:10.55]Just show your face in broad daylight [00:13.63] [00:14.71]I'm telling you on how I feel [00:17.90] [00:18.95]Gonna hurt your mind [00:20.21] [00:21.04]Don't shoot to kill [00:22.61]鐢凤細 [00:23.05]Oh my oh wait a minute [00:24.62]鏄皝鎼嚭浜� 鍞辩墖鏈� [00:26.05]鎶婂涓婄殑鎸傚巻 [00:26.96]鏃ユ湡鏀规垚浜�1987 [00:28.24]闅鹃亾 浣犺鎶婃垜甯﹀洖鍒拌繃鍘� [00:30.00]鎶婃垜濉炶繘浜嗗悗澶� 绠遍噷 [00:31.53]Damn hot damn [00:32.76]鍚撳緱鎴� 绠€鐩磋 楦¢鐙楄烦 [00:34.76]鎯婂0灏栧彨 [00:35.65]浣犵湅浠婇潪鏄旀瘮 [00:36.80]鎴戣澶у 浣犱綍蹇� [00:37.72]璇濊兘涓嶈兘 濂藉ソ璇� [00:38.83]灏卞儚鎴戝Д濮ヨ [00:39.68]涓嶈寮烘柦浜庝汉 [00:40.65]鎴戝閲� 瀹濆疂澶� [00:41.90]璐d换璐熸媴璺戜笉鑴� [00:42.97]鍧忎簨瑕佹瘮濂戒簨澶� [00:43.87]鍚堬細 [00:44.10]浣嗘垜鑰佸笀璇� 鍙鑰佸疄鍋氫汉 [00:45.98]灏卞彲浠� [00:46.40]濂筹細 [00:46.67]涓嬭緢瀛� 澶翠釜濂芥姮 [00:47.61]涓嶅啀琚ぞ浼氭窐姹� [00:48.46]鐢凤細 [00:48.70]瑕佷笉鍦ㄤ竴涓椂浠� [00:49.54]灏卞仛杩欐椂浠g殑浜嬫儏 [00:50.75]姣斿 璺冲箍鍦鸿垶 鐜╁樆鍝� [00:52.28]鍦ㄩ珮閫熷叕璺笂鍋滀笅 [00:53.49]鎶撶毊鍗′笜 [00:54.61]灞佽偂涓€鎵� 鎴戜笁瑙傚叏涓� [00:55.97]MJ 鐨勪笢瑗� [00:56.70]閮藉凡缁忚鎶涘埌鑴戝悗 [00:58.12]Yo I mean it I mean it [00:59.67]For real [01:00.36]濂筹細 [01:00.83]鏃蜂笘缁忓吀 [01:01.93] [01:02.72]姘稿瀭涓嶆溄 [01:03.69] [01:04.81]鐬伅涔嬮棿 [01:05.90] [01:06.92]鑳滃埜鍦ㄦ墜 [01:08.03] [01:08.78]鍚堬細 [01:09.09]涓嶉渶闇€闇€闇€瑕佽〃闈� [01:11.17]鍚屾牱鎯逛汉鐖� [01:11.93]濂筹細 [01:12.33] [01:13.29]鎴戜笉闇€瑕� wifi [01:14.28]鍚堬細 [01:14.61] [01:15.32]鍚屾牱杩囧緱娲荤殑寰堢簿褰� [01:17.15]鐢凤細 [01:17.41]閭e氨鍜屾湅鍙嬪湀 bye bye [01:18.61]鍦ㄥ閲屽彂鐥村憜 [01:19.46]涔颁簡鐐搁浮鍐嶈窇鍒伴偅浜烘皯骞垮満 [01:21.41]寰呭緟 鍐嶈俯韪� [01:22.16]閭h琛� 鍐嶆媿鎷� [01:23.14]鎵嬬寽鐚� 鎷冲ご [01:24.16]Cuz this is my life [01:25.27]And give me high five [01:25.98]濂筹細 [01:26.26]鍧氬喅 鍧氬疄 瑕佸潥鎸佽嚜鎴� [01:27.84]璁╀綘鏃犳椂鏃犲埢 閮戒竴鐩存湡寰� [01:29.71]鐢凤細 [01:29.96]浣嗗巻鍙叉槸鍚庢氮鎺ㄥ墠娴� [01:31.14]浠嶅彈绱綋鍔涘己 [01:32.09]鎴戠瀯鍑嗕簡鍓嶆柟 [01:32.99]灏辨槸 duang duang duang [01:33.80]Bang bang bang [01:34.22]濂筹細 [01:34.47]Well they say the sky's the limit [01:35.70] [01:36.23]And to me that's really true [01:37.46] [01:38.15]But my friend you have seen nothing [01:39.95]鍚堬細 [01:40.24]Just wait till I get through [01:41.94]Because I'm bad [01:43.47]I'm bad [01:44.52]Come on I'm really really bad [01:46.23]Because I'm bad [01:47.61]I'm bad [01:48.67]You know it you know it [01:50.98]All skinny boy fat boy under attach boy [01:52.67]Tell me who that is [01:53.76]鐢凤細 [01:54.06]Tell me who bad who bad who that [01:55.09]濂筹細 [01:55.43]And the whole world has to answer right now [01:57.00]Just to tell you once again [01:58.44]鐢凤細 [01:58.71]Who's bad [01:59.13]濂筹細 [01:59.40]鎯宠鎴愪负涓€鍚嶄紭绉€鐨勮鍞辨瓕鎵� [02:02.14]棣栧厛 [02:02.64]鐢凤細 [02:02.94]浣犲緱涓冨崄浜屽彉 [02:03.91]鍦ㄥ枆鍜欓噷闈㈠悆鍓� [02:04.93]浠庝粖寰€鍚庡敱姝屽惉璧锋潵 [02:06.22]鎵嶄細鍍忓磾鍋� [02:07.15]鐧诲熀璇村敱涔嬬埗 [02:08.03]灏卞緱鍞卞埌寮€鑲犵牬鑲� [02:08.96]鍚堬細 [02:09.17]鍐嶇户缁炕璺熷ご [02:09.82]瑕佹墦鐮翠簡鍚夊凹鏂殑绾綍 [02:10.96]鐢凤細 [02:11.20]鎭宠 鏈嬪弸浠� [02:11.97]鑳戒笉鑳� 琛屼釜濂� [02:12.73]鏇村枩娆㈡垜 [02:13.27]鎴戝緢鎳� [02:13.65]鍚堬細 [02:13.92]Hip-pop [02:14.48]鎴戣繕浼氬妶鍙� [02:15.61]濂筹細 [02:15.81]鎴戝彲浠� 椋欓珮闊虫捣璞氶煶 [02:17.02]鍍忕淮濉旀柉 [02:17.60]鐢凤細 [02:17.85]鍐嶅墐浜嗗厜澶村仛鍜屽皻 [02:19.20]鍦ㄩ┈鎴忓洟閲� [02:19.87]鐩村埌鎴戣鎷夌牬澹板甫 涓嶅啀瀛樺湪 [02:21.30]浜烘槸涓嶅湪 杩樻湁榄傚湪 鍦ㄨ繖鑸炲彴 [02:22.71]鎴栬€呭悗鍙� [02:23.17]鍦ㄦ湭鏉ュ康瀵圭櫧 [02:23.89]鎴栬€呮垜鍦ㄦ煖鍙伴噷 [02:24.71]鍟冪櫧鑿� [02:25.17]Yeah I'm a B-Rabbit [02:26.29]Or I'll I'll be a rabbit [02:27.40]With a lot of bad habits [02:28.25]And eating a lot of cabbages [02:29.23]鍚冨緱鎲ㄦ鍜嬪姴 鎲ㄨ繜杩熷嫆 [02:30.41]鍛煎効鍡ㄥ摕 璺戝埌娴峰ご [02:31.37]璺熼奔鎽嗘憜娓� 娌″緱瀵兼父 [02:32.73]鍙兘 鐑ゅ搱鐑よ倝 [02:33.48]璇舵姽鐐硅殱娌� [02:34.07]璺戝埌瀹囧畽閲屽ご閬ㄦ父 [02:35.06]璺熸潹鍒╀紵 say 涓� hi [02:36.26]What's up bro [02:36.69]濂筹細 [02:36.99]Well they say the sky's the limit [02:38.29] [02:38.94]And to me that's really true [02:40.19] [02:40.86]But my friend you have seen nothing [02:42.91]鍚堬細 [02:43.14]Just wait till I get through [02:44.50]Because I'm bad I'm bad [02:47.04]Come on I'm really really bad [02:48.86]Because I'm bad I'm bad [02:51.16]You know it you know it [02:53.20]鐢凤細 [02:53.43]All skinny boy fat boy under attach boy [02:55.52]Tell me who that is [02:56.44]Tell me who bad who bad who that [02:57.72]濂筹細 [02:58.00]And the whole world has to answer right now [02:59.66]Just to tell you once again [03:01.12]鍚堬細 [03:01.42]Because I'm bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad [03:05.74]I'm bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad [03:10.46]鐢凤細 [03:10.74]All skinny boy fat boy under attach boy [03:12.38]Tell me who that is [03:13.14]Tell me who bad [03:14.10]鍚堬細 [03:14.41]And the whole world has to answer right now [03:16.38]Just to tell you once again [03:18.00] [03:21.37]Who's bad