[00:00.000] 作词 : 袜子Wazy [00:01.000] 作曲 : 袜子Wazy [00:11.441]混音:Wazyhomie [00:12.950]和声:Wazyhomie [00:15.193]母带:Wazyhomie [00:16.690]编曲:Def Starz [00:17.444]Let's rock it day and night even if we are strangers [00:19.441]就当隔阂不存在享受最高贵的规格 [00:21.449]继续追着无需配合不崇洋媚外上Twitter [00:23.447]为何你这么多的忌惮我变化多端 你又无法推测 [00:26.697]woo 那些同行发着怵 [00:27.638]他们想做rapper却愧于把给我关注 [00:29.634]我的音乐老师说要汲取周围人的经验 [00:31.829]不管他的资历高低还是在帮别人提鞋 [00:34.337]我还没有大把paper [00:35.835]我还在做着自己无视无理规则 [00:38.085]不跟风扔掉占地花哨鞋盒 [00:39.840]21年高产的就像20年的Taylor [00:42.079]就像姜云升他说的 [00:43.589]相信你所相信的 [00:44.332]我们的确无法改变所有人生老病死 [00:46.329]但你如果认为成功只要喝点鸡汤听上几首歌 [00:49.080]恭喜你成为New Wazy里说的那种loser [00:51.088]Let's rock it rock it [00:51.833]Even though we are strangers [00:52.831]Just pop it pop it [00:53.830]pop it like Pandora [00:55.082]Lucky Lucky [00:56.080]Dogs which everywhere [00:57.079]We don't need to know [00:58.089]inspiration is treasure [00:59.088]Let's rock it rock it [01:00.086]Even though we are strangers [01:01.330]Just pop it pop it [01:02.340]pop it like Pandora [01:03.580]Lucky Lucky [01:04.337]Dogs which everywhere [01:05.335]We don't need to know inspiration is treasure [01:07.333]爸爸说腰缠万贯比不上份人情 [01:09.329]我听取循循教诲有在认真学习 [01:11.337]把每个常用的技能加入我能力的列表 拜托 [01:14.041]别破坏我的阵型(我是真性情) [01:15.540]我既能独立剪辑视频又能拍照 [01:17.536]处理好每段音频顺手做个海报 [01:19.787]在网上像个江洋大盗白嫖是自学的妙招 [01:21.783]其他学长学姐都要拿我当做参照 [01:23.780]Casual [01:24.791]我不爱battle自然不爱freestyle [01:26.034]即便我曾在Helens即兴强的像老爆 [01:28.030]即便家里家长总爱说我特立独行 [01:30.281]但我特立独行就能骂你不行 [01:32.536]站得住 蛮刻苦 cause不失去自我 [01:34.535]想要酷 拦不住 贫穷在限制自由 [01:36.784]我像挖到石油 般灵感源源不断 [01:38.780]看到我进步如贯 aj你是否有感慨 [01:40.789]当初在高二三班的阳台(说下去) [01:43.031]我秀了攀登里艾热的一段 [01:45.040]如今我也长大了 [01:45.988]不再唱他们的歌 [01:46.986]看看我怎么拿下今年属于我的满贯 [01:48.983]Let's rock it rock it [01:50.239]Even though we are strangers [01:51.490]Just pop it pop it [01:52.489]pop it like Pandora [01:53.487]Lucky Lucky [01:54.486]Dogs which everywhere [01:55.430]We don't need to know [01:56.430]inspiration is treasure [01:57.685]Let's rock it rock it [01:58.683]Even though we are strangers [01:59.682]Just pop it pop it [02:00.681]pop it like Pandora [02:01.933]Lucky Lucky [02:02.931]Dogs which everywhere [02:03.930]We don't need to know inspiration is treasure [02:05.684]感谢上帝给我一个目标让我能够努力追求 [02:08.180]把麦克风叼在口中像索隆一般耍三刀流 [02:10.177]写歌写的都是生活 很少在斟酌 [02:12.186]一时半刻完成一部巨作我自高中以来早已轻车熟路 [02:15.182]腾空基于逐步 [02:16.433]Worldwide的马思唯起初也做Oldschool [02:18.176]对也对吧错也对吧反正我还年轻 [02:20.427]谁让这成熟的作品作者生于01 [02:22.681]One 今年人气要超过易烊千玺 [02:24.932]Two 说唱新世代我会冲到第一名 [02:26.674]Three 必定作出流芳百世的旷世专辑 [02:28.925]即便我现在三位数的粉丝都还没有千名(签名) [02:31.434]Let's go 即便多数听众现在都是过客 [02:33.430]多数人舍不得关注想等我红了才认识作者 [02:35.427]我想差不多了 现在正有机会给你蹭热度 [02:38.116]我不可能像某个渣男一样火前糊 [02:39.613]Let's rock it rock it [02:40.611]Even though we are strangers [02:41.367]Just pop it pop it [02:42.609]pop it like Pandora [02:43.619]Lucky Lucky [02:44.617]Dogs which everywhere [02:45.861]We don't need to know [02:46.614]inspiration is treasure [02:47.612]Let's rock it rock it [02:48.610]Even though we are strangers [02:49.866]Just pop it pop it [02:50.865]pop it like Pandora [02:52.117]Lucky Lucky [02:53.115]Dogs which everywhere [02:54.075]We don't need to know inspiration is treasure [02:57.323]Let's rock it [02:59.321]Pop it pop it [03:01.575]Lucky lucky [03:02.572]We don't need to know inspiration is treasure [03:05.822]Let's rock it [03:07.819]Pop it pop it [03:09.757]Lucky lucky [03:10.755]We don't need to know inspiration is treasure [03:13.005]Wait a minute wait a minute [03:15.258]Let's get it let's get it [03:17.206]Wazyhomie the crazy boy [03:19.204]Shout out to my team Salvation Army