[00:00.000] 作词 : 楚未杨 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 楚未杨 [00:12.926]Producer:张杰骏 [00:19.426]Mixing by:一尾 [00:24.677]全都keep real但不全都保持真实 [00:27.177]别充耳不闻又 怎看得清真人真事 [00:29.927]面对无脑的人从来不屑于争执 [00:32.927]无脑的能把无能掰成他的本事 [00:35.927]捍卫Teamwork荣誉soldier [00:37.154]mess in trouble都不慌 [00:38.654]千万弓箭手都举起弓箭 [00:40.154]我们举起枪 [00:41.154]打败这邪恶角色速战速决 [00:42.904]灭你像灭支香 [00:43.904]拿下我前用键盘补补数学 [00:45.904]黑暗战胜不了光 [00:46.891]Tell me [00:47.892]Who can Fight to the end [00:48.892]Continue be a fake还是吐露真言 [00:51.892]You cant Fight to the end [00:53.141]只因为那些分不清楚对错的 [00:55.392]会给你不停制造最疼的风险 [00:57.892]Hush 把命运 都装进我的裤子 [01:00.392]幸运不对努力say no [01:01.910]Hiphop没人比我固执 [01:03.410]发誓不再竹篮打水一场空 [01:05.660]把那些只言片语都 扼杀在我气场中 [01:08.910]Puncher Puncher Puncher [01:11.438]Puncher Puncher Puncher on my way [01:14.189]如果你是一座wall 钻山打洞有点累 [01:19.688]Puncher puncher puncher [01:22.688]Puncher puncher Puncher on my way [01:25.188]少年多金拿起call 玩的跑车比你贵 [01:28.188]不停放射 你就望着 如同Gamma Ray [01:30.439]I am way now rapper都不睡觉 [01:32.939]忘了书本味道 会把配角念成配角 [01:36.189]Take homie fly to South hood [01:38.939]成功之前别把你的野心暴露 [01:41.938]敌众我寡我都给你 招呼 [01:44.688]不攻自破也配称作 套路 [01:47.188]U better know that [01:48.689]一百八十迈甩你no why [01:49.939]天崩地裂我一成不变的悠哉 [01:52.439]如同空气 留下踪迹 把你充气 [01:54.188]然后Go die [01:55.688]****ing up its our show time [01:57.938]这场战役 让你输得够惨 [02:00.688]不依赖暗地 看清我是wolf还是poke cat [02:03.688]you can Call me Young Monster call me新生代 [02:06.188]不论黄金千万两我的心声都不卖 [02:09.188]身怀鸿鹄之志 我从来都跑得快 [02:11.688]别再小人得势 别来和我拼声带 [02:14.688]Puncher Puncher Puncher [02:17.938]Puncher Puncher Puncher on my way [02:20.438]如果你是一座wall 钻山打洞有点累 [02:26.189]Puncher puncher puncher [02:28.319]Puncher puncher Puncher on my way [02:31.568]少年多金拿起call 玩的跑车比你贵 [02:34.318]不停放射 你就望着 如同Gamma Ray