[00:00.200]Broken! [00:00.702]What happend [00:01.470]What did I do? [00:02.894]It disappeared all those who came up to now [00:05.156]What the hell [00:06.149]Give me back my hardship and time [00:08.156]Not heal even after 3 days [00:09.900]Save me please!please! [00:10.670]Don't Know what you gotta do [00:12.903]HDD has been elase by the ****in PC [00:15.398]No! I was wrong [00:17.413]But I really can't understand [00:19.157][00:18.909] [00:19.405]It just broken! [00:27.649][00:27.903] [00:30.097]まじ返してくれ 直してくれ [00:31.336]許してくれ 殺してくれ6秒前の俺を [00:32.091]どたまから斧で [00:33.101]叩き割って 裂いて [00:34.845]何でもかんでも消し飛ばしちまった [00:37.082]ちょい待った 叫べど時すでに遅し [00:39.595]今日一の沸点臨界点超え 強制終了データ消去 [00:43.341]あれあれみんなどこへ? [00:44.596]光るディスプレイ かわらねぇ [00:46.338]ダメージカンスト越え [00:48.333]完成 完全にムリ [00:49.092]残念すぎ [00:49.589][00:49.902] [00:50.086]今変えようともこの僕には [00:54.597]どうしようもない事ばかりだけど [00:59.581]だれかが今を生きる糧を作る事なら [01:06.346]できるから [01:08.843]できるはず [01:10.601][01:10.424] [01:11.589]Get back the date! [01:13.586]Get back the date! [01:16.091]GET BACK THE DATE! [01:19.099]Tell me what you how to against this [01:21.098]Save me please!please! [01:22.587]Don't Know what you gotta do [01:23.594]HDD has been elase by the ****in PC [01:26.835]No! I was wrong [01:28.592]Really can't understand [01:30.533]It just broken! [01:32.287][01:32.427] [01:33.041]It just broken... [01:40.800];