[00:00.000] 作词 : Lizah/黄小岛 [00:01.000] 作曲 : Lizah/黄小岛 [00:05.175]混音/母带:Lizah [00:09.424]封面设计:黑叉 [00:16.175]监制:黑叉 [00:22.174]走过冰冷的人群 一刻 [00:23.923]感受到灼热的温度和那份饥饿感 [00:26.423]燃烧着每寸砰砰跳动的神经 [00:28.674]他们相继不停地奔赴 [00:30.424]一片迷雾笼罩的灵魂深处 [00:32.172]一秒接着一秒闪动的帧数 [00:33.923]画面不断切换风格迥异 [00:35.673]每一次迈步需要的勇气 [00:37.671]随风向穿梭于城市间的缝隙 [00:39.922]重力拉扯下坠 压抑的空气 [00:41.856]不断冲击着我在假寐 清醒的梦里 [00:44.104]Want to runaway from all these burning wall [00:46.854]Want to find a way get out of the burning walls [00:49.605]Want to stay away from all these burning walls [00:52.355]Want to suffocate intoxicate no more [00:56.604]梦见残破时钟 [00:59.853]匕首都失重 [01:03.103]你经过的 黑色的梦 都失控 [01:07.853]停滞黑夜白昼 [01:10.852]怯懦又怂恿 [01:14.102]你听见的 黑色的我 在歌颂 [01:17.851]Every time I fall got nowhere to go [01:20.102]Every time get low mind can not take them all [01:22.601]I’ve been bold enough fought as tough as I could ever be [01:25.519]Reality had asked me again [01:27.018]Why sick weak twisted personality they all fit in me naturally [01:30.687]Was digging a hole trying to bury myself [01:32.687]Step by step getting low [01:33.937]Tear up the books on the shelf [01:35.187]With full records of past life they are gonna melt [01:37.436]Every time its over in total new story unfolds [01:39.936]Beholding beauty of the abyss drowned tons of dead bodies [01:42.436]Quit calling for any hands to save me from the tragedy [01:45.435]Whenever flood rush to us with torrent desperately [01:48.185]A sad lil boy stunning at white wall doing nothing [01:51.435]You gonna write them down [01:52.935]Carry the lyrics on [01:54.184]Thousand ways to remain strong [01:55.685]When you close your eyes shut the light [01:57.434]stand and fight for the rights that you deserve [01:59.434]Bites that hurts for so long [02:00.608]Should not be in this song [02:01.858]Show your fist to the devil [02:03.607]梦见残破时钟 [02:06.858]匕首都失重 [02:10.029]你经过的 黑色的梦 都失控 [02:14.530]停滞黑夜白昼 [02:18.030]怯懦又怂恿 [02:21.029]你听见的 黑色的我 在歌颂 [02:25.203]当最后的体面已经逐渐断了线 [02:27.125]最后一页某时某刻某个瞬间突然翻了篇 [02:30.125]当最后的光线选择在刹那间消失后入了夜 [02:32.875]无数次奋力挣扎过后突破了极限 [02:35.375]却被残忍拉下悬崖后睁眼模糊了视线 [02:38.374]爬起来不断倒下重复播放过几十遍 [02:41.374]每一滴流出的血液落在地面时隐时现 [02:43.873]剩下的恐惧和胆怯我到底该向谁致歉 [02:46.873]人生的低谷不能细数 [02:48.547]他们相继紧锣密鼓 [02:49.797]而我只有暴躁和易怒 [02:51.046]脸上的泥土混着雨水 [02:52.297]听时钟不断倒数 [02:53.796]谁还在嚎啕大哭 [02:55.047]还在叫苦 [02:55.795]和我一样像只过街老鼠 [02:57.796]我还能怎么做我已经被击败 [03:00.796]厌倦了依靠被讥笑和每一份期待 [03:03.545]可即使力量已消失不见 [03:05.045]光芒会暂时熄灭 [03:06.295]不会向你们乞讨 [03:07.545]即便现在身处在这炎凉时代 [03:21.794]梦见残破时钟 [03:25.043]匕首都失重 [03:28.043]你经过的 黑色的梦 都失控 [03:32.792]停滞黑夜白昼 [03:36.041]怯懦又怂恿 [03:39.042]你听见的 黑色的我 在歌颂