[00:00.000] 作词 : Sting/Dominic Miller [00:01.000] 作曲 : Dominic Miller/Sting [00:22.454]Sting: [00:22.954]He deals the cards as a meditation [00:27.704]他玩纸牌 如深深冥想 [00:29.611]And those he plays never suspect [00:31.351]他打牌从不迟疑 [00:35.356]He doesn't play for the money he wins [00:36.612]他打牌不是为了所赢的钱 [00:41.105]He doesn't play for respect [00:42.603]也不是为了获得尊重 [00:45.353]He deals the cards to find the answer [00:49.104]他在牌局中找寻觅答案 [00:52.354]The sacred geometery of chance [00:53.851]那神秘几何中的偶然 [00:57.857]The hidden law of a probable outcome [01:01.609]还有那飘忽结局的背后的隐匿之弦 [01:03.860]The numbers lead a dance [01:05.603]数字翩翩飞舞 [01:09.363]I know that the spades are swords of a soldier [01:12.858]我明白黑桃如士兵手握的利剑 [01:15.112]I know that the clubs are weapons of war [01:17.608]梅花似战场轰鸣的炮枪 [01:20.857]I know that diamonds mean money for this art [01:24.364]这艺术般游戏里 方块便若到手的金钱 [01:25.862]But that's not the shape of my heart [01:28.603]但那不是我红桃(心)的形状 [01:31.863]He may play the jack of diamonds [01:34.859]他可能会出方块J [01:37.855]He may lay the queen of spades [01:40.362]又或许 他会下注黑桃Q [01:43.603]He may conseal a king in his hand [01:46.864]抑或将手中的K掩藏 [01:49.606]While the memory of it fades [01:50.604]但这些记忆 终将褪色 [01:52.114]Juice wrld: [01:52.855]No, no, ...no 不... ... [01:54.610]I still see your shadows in my room [01:56.607]我依旧能看见你留在我房间的影子 [01:57.606]Can't take back the love that I gave you [01:59.115]对你的爱已覆水难收 [02:00.114]It's to the point where I love and I hate you [02:02.111]但重点是我对你爱恨交加 [02:02.610]And I cannot change you so I must replace you (oh) [02:05.364]我没办法改变你 就只能把你替换 [02:06.358]Easier said than done [02:07.860]这说起来容易做起来难 [02:08.356]I thought you were the one [02:09.365]我以为你就是我的命中注定 [02:09.861]Listening to my heart instead of my head [02:10.610]我的感性冲昏了理智 [02:11.108]You found another one [02:12.106]你找到了新欢 [02:13.854]But I am the better one [02:13.854]但我确实是更好的那一个 [02:14.852]I won't let you forget me [02:15.351]我不会让你忘掉我 [02:17.348]I still see your shadows in my room [02:19.856]我依旧能看见你留在我房间的影子 [02:20.099]Can't take back the love that I gave you [02:22.107]对你的爱已覆水难收 [02:23.105]It's to the point where I love and I hate you [02:24.350]但重点是我对你爱恨交加 [02:25.602]And I cannot change you so I must replace you (oh) [02:26.858]我没办法改变你 就只能把你替换 [02:29.219]Easier said than done [02:29.964]这说起来容易做起来难 [02:30.717]I thought you were the one [02:31.392]我以为你就是我的命中注定 [02:32.137]Listening to my heart instead of my head [02:32.890]我的感性冲昏了理智 [02:34.645]You found another one [02:35.643]你找到了新欢 [02:36.385]But I am the better one [02:36.896]但我确实是更好的那一个 [02:37.640]I won't let you forget me [02:38.893]我不会让你忘掉我 [02:39.891]You left me falling and landing inside my grave [02:41.135]你让我坠落 落到我的墓穴里 [02:42.043]I know that you want me dead (cough) [02:43.053]我知道你想让我死去 [02:46.794]I take prescriptions to make me feel a-okay [02:56.598]我服下药让自己好受些 [02:57.351]I know it's all in my head [03:00.106]我知道这一切只存在于我的脑海中 [03:03.100]I have these lucid dreams where I can't move a thing [03:05.351]我做着清醒梦 在梦里我动弹不得 [03:08.710]Thinking of you in my bed [03:09.210]躺在床上思念着你 [03:13.960]You were my everything [03:15.957]你曾是我的全部 [03:16.710]Thoughts of a wedding ring [03:19.452]幻想为你戴上订婚钻戒 [03:19.963]Now I'm just better off dead (coughs) [03:21.460]而现在我却生不如死 [03:25.708]I'll do it over again [03:26.710]我还会卷土重来 [03:27.210]I didn't want it to end [03:28.208]我不想让这一切结束 [03:28.961]I watch it blow in the wind [03:29.706]我看着它在风中飘散 [03:30.205]I should've listened to my friends [03:31.212]我应该听我朋友的话 [03:31.957]Leave this **** in the past [03:33.454]过去做着这些蠢事 [03:33.712]But I wanted to last [03:34.210]但我想让它继续下去 [03:34.963]You were made outta plastic (fake) [03:35.708]你的一切都是假的 [03:37.206]I was tangled up in your drastic ways [03:37.705]我用猛烈的方式和你缠绵 [03:39.986]Who knew evil girls had the prettiest face? [03:40.485]谁知道歹毒的女孩都有最精致的脸蛋 [03:42.729]You gave me a heart that was full of mistakes [03:43.228]你把你千疮百孔的心交给我 [03:45.237]I gave you my heart and you made heart break [03:47.479]我给你我的心 你却让我心碎 [03:48.988]You made my heart break [03:49.729]你让我心碎 [03:50.985]You made my heart ache (I still see your shadows in my room) [03:52.982]你让我心痛(我依旧能看见你留在我房间的影子) [03:53.980]You made my heart break [03:55.732]你让我心碎 [03:56.731]You made my heart ache (can't take back the love that I gave [04:10.233]Sting: [04:58.488]I know that the spades are swords of a soldier [05:00.485]我明白黑桃如士兵手握的利剑 [05:03.734]I know that the clubs are weapons of war [05:05.731]梅花似战场轰鸣的炮枪 [05:09.238]I know that the diamonds mean money for this art [05:12.731]这艺术般游戏里 方块便若到手的金钱 [05:14.486]But that's not the shape of my heart [05:16.737]但那不是我红桃(心)的形状 [05:19.733]But that's not the shape,shape of my heart [05:21.987]但那不是我红桃(心)的形状 [05:56.735]And if i told you that i loved you [05:58.490]如果我对你说我爱你 [06:02.484]You'd maybe think there's something wrong [06:04.235]你会有些许困惑 [06:07.742]I'm not a man of too many faces [06:09.739]我并不是善变的人 [06:13.990]The mask i wear is one [06:15.242]我的面具 始终如一 [06:18.483]Those who speak know nothing [06:21.490]那些多言却无知的人们 [06:25.239]And find out to their cost [06:27.236]斤斤计较眼前得失 [06:30.742]Like those who curse their luck in too many places [06:33.738]如同四处抱怨命运者 [06:36.989]Are those who fear a lost [06:38.242]戚戚于失 [06:41.994]I know that the spades are swords of a soldier [06:45.488]我明白黑桃如士兵手握的利剑 [06:47.739]I know that the clubs are weapons of war [06:50.235]梅花似战场轰鸣的炮枪 [06:53.363]I know that diamonds mean money for this art [06:56.858]这艺术般游戏里 方块便若到手的金钱 [06:58.609]But that's not the shape of my heart [07:02.115]但那不是我红桃(心)的形状 [07:04.112]But that's not the shape of my heart [07:07.365]但那不是我红桃(心)的形状 [07:09.616]Thats not the shape,shape of my heart [07:15.607]那不是我红桃(心)的形状