[00:00.380] 浣滄洸锛氭灉妯瑰湌
[00:00.916] 浣滆瘝锛氭灉妯瑰湌
[00:15.907] She is so beautiful than me
[00:18.527] just like a borei(浜¢湂)
[00:22.563] Above the wet riverbed
[00:25.356] I was standing in the middle of the sound of water
[00:33.450] Splash
[00:37.066] Resonating around
[00:40.386] Resonating around
[00:57.233] 鐩倰瑕嗐亞銆€銇濄倢銇骸闇�
[01:00.162] 璨存柟銇仢銇晱銇勩伀蹇溿仛銈�
[01:03.789] 閬c倞鍫淬伄銇亜鐥涖伩鍓娿亷銇熴亜
[01:06.611] 鎿厠銇裤仧銇勩伀娼溿倱銇с亜銇熴亜
[01:23.932] 旰检牳氩勲Π 攵堧箾 靷措Μ瓿犾劀
[01:30.789] 韯办牳氩勲Π 毵堨潓 臧愳稖霝�
[01:37.534] 歆€雮橁皜氩勲Π 鞁滉皠鞚� 雼挫晞
[01:44.438] 雮� 鞚� 鞛愲Μ毳� 歆€韨灅
[01:58.107] Open the sky of your world
[02:03.685] Where I could see the everything of what you think
[02:11.701] When the time has come to (an) end
[02:17.319] We will then meet before the elusive ghost disappears
[02:38.296] 鐩倰瑕嬨倠銆€绉併伅浜¢湂
[02:41.603] 銇傘仾銇熴伄銇撱伄鎰涖伀蹇溿仛銈�
[02:44.796] 鏆楅棁銇腑銇亶銈夈倎銇勩仧銈�
[02:48.248] 銇濄亾銇銇眳銈嬨亱銈�
[02:53.038] from 鎯冲康褰╄壊, released March 6, 2021
[02:53.803] Guitar & Bass by 銉熴儰銈偊
[02:54.464] Synthesizer by 銉熴儰銈偊, Mellow Blush
[02:54.957] Drum programming by Mellow Blush
[02:55.386] Mixed & Mastered by Mellow Blush