[00:00.000] 作词 : 马思唯/Bohan Phoenix/HARIKIRI/J.Mag [00:00.000] 作曲 : 马思唯/Bohan Phoenix/HARIKIRI/J.Mag [00:00.00]do your thing baby girl [00:04.037]Remix : LLLLSSIMON [00:06.471] [00:07.224]bitch I see you dick hopping left and right [00:07.969]你东张西望想带个回家 [00:08.223]but goddamn [00:08.722]但是 天呐 [00:09.221]how could I blame you? [00:09.721]我又咋能怪你呢? [00:13.472]she be ‘round Jmag because he rhyme tight [00:14.471]她在Jmag身边是因为他的押韵帅 [00:16.222]she be ‘round Masiwei because the limelight [00:16.469]她在马思唯身边是因为他光芒万丈 [00:18.975]she be ‘round Dre cuz he got that sound right [00:19.223]她在HARIKIRI身边是因为他一流 [00:21.970]she around stars cuz she wanna shine bright [00:22.470]她在明星身边是因为她也想要被照亮 [00:23.968]and I don’t blame her… [00:25.719]但我不怪她 [00:28.227]and I don’t blame her… [00:28.472]我不怪她 [00:30.968]how could I blame her? [00:31.468]我咋能怪她? [00:32.720]and I don’t blame her… [00:33.219]我不怪她 [00:37.470]她开着邻居家的 Toyota 追着日落 [00:40.477]被父母说是最危险的地方 她都去过 [00:43.473]今晚演出的rapper 算得上是她最喜欢 [00:46.222]她走到吧台 先点了一杯whisky 酸 [00:46.468] [00:46.722] [00:46.979] [00:48.219]she just living her life [00:49.729]她只是在过她的人生 [00:50.228]出去玩从不耍赖 [00:52.724]不甘心只是呆在人群她想挤到后台 [00:55.477]在同龄的女生里面 她肯定最会打扮 [00:58.227]她和喜欢的男生聊天最烦被人打断 [00:58.726] [00:58.971]yah ay [01:02.164]现在什么年代 海贼王还在连载 [01:04.912]做你自己想要做的 进来吧别站门外 [01:07.665]再叫上你的姐妹 就算做的错了也对 [01:10.174]能在伤心的时候笑 也可以开心地流眼泪 [01:11.174] [01:13.168]she be ‘round Jmag because he rhyme tight [01:13.168]她在Jmag身边是因为他的押韵帅 [01:15.918]she be ‘round Masiwei because the limelight [01:16.165]她在马思唯身边是因为他光芒万丈 [01:19.171]she be ‘round Dre cuz he got that sound right [01:19.415]她在HARIKIRI身边是因为他一流 [01:21.921]she around stars cuz she wanna shine bright [01:22.421]她在明星身边是因为她也想要被照亮 [01:23.918]and I don’t blame her… [01:24.418]但我不怪她 [01:26.915]and I don’t blame her… [01:28.424]我不怪她 [01:30.918]how could I blame her? [01:31.418]我咋能怪她? [01:32.674]and I don’t blame her… [01:32.915]我不怪她 [01:34.915] [01:36.168]these lil thots be going up [01:36.424]这些小想法时不时出现 [01:37.921]while I cut she know its us [01:38.165]因为我发现她认识我们 [01:39.418]up her thong she throwing on [01:39.665]她还特地穿了条性感小裤 [01:40.915]wild and free she aint growing up [01:40.915]疯狂又自由 她还没长大 [01:41.671]she aint growing up [01:41.915]她还没长大 [01:42.924]ay, yeah [01:43.171] [01:43.924]she aint growing up [01:44.168]她还没长大 [01:44.921]she aint growing up [01:45.421]她还没长大 [01:46.165]ay, ay [01:46.918] [01:47.418]she aint growing up [01:47.674]她还没长大 [01:48.671]5 A.M. she hanging out [01:48.915]凌晨5点还在外面 [01:49.912]in the club she making out [01:50.171]在酒吧里面卿卿我我 [01:51.424]with guys she don’t know enough about [01:51.424]跟她都不认识的男生 [01:52.668]guess she in it for the clout [01:52.921]猜她是为了蹭点名气 [01:54.165]IG followers I’m out [01:54.418]IG的粉丝些 我撤了 [01:55.674]wonder if her momma knows [01:55.915]她妈妈晓得吗 [01:57.171]wonder if her daddy knows [01:57.415]她爸爸晓得吗 [01:58.424]all the things she talks about [01:58.668]所有那些她的疯狂事迹 [01:59.168] [02:00.165]lil baby sneaking out at night [02:00.421]小宝贝在晚上出逃 [02:01.665]cuz her favourite rapper caught a flight [02:01.918]就因为她最喜欢的说唱歌手来了 [02:03.174]he got a show the other side of town [02:03.415]他在城那头有演出 [02:04.915]she wants a pic just for the like [02:04.915]她想要张合照 出于真心的喜爱 [02:06.421]she rock with me, she say I’m nice [02:06.421]她跟我聊得来,她说我人很好 [02:07.668]let Masiwei hit cuz he got ice [02:07.918]让马思唯来 因为他有钻石 [02:09.164]Bohan up next he groupie loving [02:09.418]Bohan下一个 因为他是万人迷 [02:10.674]backstage she ain’t there for nothing [02:10.674]都来后台了她肯定想发生点儿啥 [02:11.173] [02:13.424]你很烦诶 [02:15.665]you must talking crazy, [02:18.174]你tm疯了是吧 [02:20.924]我不想理你 [02:22.667] [02:25.417]she’s around [02:25.915]她就在周围 [02:26.414]she’s around [02:26.673]她就在周围 [02:27.413]she’s around [02:27.669]她就在周围 [02:28.169]she’s around [02:28.424]她就在周围 [02:28.923]she’s around [02:29.168]她就在周围 [02:29.668] [02:30.919]she’s around [02:31.169]她就在周围 [02:31.663]she’s around [02:31.918]她就在周围 [02:32.663]she’s around [02:32.917]她就在周围 [02:33.416]she’s around [02:33.674]她就在周围 [02:34.172]she’s around [02:34.172]她就在周围 [02:34.670] [02:36.423]she be ‘round Jmag because he… [02:36.922]她在Jmag身边是因为他 [02:39.663]she be ‘round Masiwei because he [02:39.917]她在马思唯身边是因为他 [02:42.413]she be ‘round Dre cuz he got… [02:42.913]她在HARIKIRI身边是因为他 [02:45.666]she around stars cuz she wanna… [02:46.664]她在明星身边是因为她想 [02:48.416]and I don’t blame her… [02:49.672]但我不怪她 [02:52.167]and I don’t blame her… (you know) [02:52.667]我不怪她 [02:54.918]how could I blame her? [02:55.163]我咋能怪她? [02:56.414]and I don’t blame her… (nah) [02:56.673]我不怪她