[00:00.000] 作词 : 无 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 无 [00:03.078]原唱:Patty Cake Production [00:07.167]翻唱:樊雅伦Alison [00:11.416]Ever since I was a girl my own mother vowed [00:13.668]从我小时候起,我母亲就要我立誓 [00:14.883]I must find the way to power through a noble brow [00:17.133]我必须找到爬上权利顶端的捷径 [00:19.380]I married once for love then my senses came [00:20.629]因爱结婚,突然我意识到 [00:22.213]I must marry for the stature of my husband's name [00:23.053]我必须要找个有名声的丈夫来结婚 [00:24.301]Onto marrige number two [00:24.804]所以第二次结婚 [00:25.301]I knew what I had to do [00:25.806]我知道我必须要怎么做 [00:27.052]and my poor husband fell ill in a year or two [00:28.303]我可怜的丈夫,在两年内病死了 [00:31.052]solved problem number one,now to problenm number two [00:31.556]解决了第一个问题,是时候解决第二个了 [00:34.268]His deo-eyed littlle girl with gentle point of biew [00:34.768]那个他经常用温柔的眼神看着的小女孩 [00:35.772]Would I ship her off to school? [00:36.268]我该送她去学校吗? [00:38.268]No!I toud her if she stayed that she'd have to earn her keep [00:39.268]当然不了!我告诉她,如果她想要留下来,她就得挣钱养活自己 [00:39.768]and so she became the maid! [00:40.017]于是她变成了女仆 [00:40.269]She was lazy! [00:40.768]她很懒! [00:41.017]She was Crazy! [00:41.268]她很疯! [00:41.767]She was talking to the mice! [00:42.768]她曾经和老鼠们说话! [00:44.518]She was hopelessly naive,so she had to pay the price. [00:45.017]她天真的无药可救,所以她必须付出代价 [00:47.267]I moved her to the attic out of sight and out of mind. [00:47.766]我让她搬去那个我毫不在意也不想看见的阁楼 [00:48.769]I coud have thrown her out,but I'm benevolent and kind. [00:51.517]我本可以赶她出去,就是我太仁慈了 [00:54.194]Mother,your heart's too big for you! [00:57.194]妈,你心真大 [00:59.179]I knew what I had to do [01:01.037]我知道我必须要怎么做 [01:02.285]After all,difficult children will take advantage of your good nature. [01:06.286]毕竟,那难相处的孩子会占你的便宜 [01:07.034]So you lock them up [01:08.785]所以你把她们关起来 [01:09.035]Throw away the key! [01:09.783]把钥匙扔了 [01:12.034]There's one on every family tree [01:12.287]每个家族里都有一个人 她 [01:12.784]Ungrateful! [01:13.284]忘恩负义! [01:13.785]Hateful! [01:14.035]可恨! [01:17.534]Vile too!The things she put you through! [01:18.284]还很邪恶!是她让你变成这样! [01:20.535]Break their spirit so they obey! [01:21.035]毁灭她们的心灵,让她们顺从! [01:23.282]Now they'll do anything you say [01:23.787]现在她们会乖乖听你的 [01:26.283]Maybe you'd call it cruel but [01:26.784]也许你觉得这会很残忍,但是 [01:28.534]others would call it love [01:28.785]有些人会称这叫爱 [01:29.537]Tough Love! [01:30.034]严厉的爱! [01:33.785]I ask you,is it a crime to strive for perfection in all things? [01:34.284]我问你,任何事都追求完美这是错的吗? [01:38.035]Oh,no,they're so cute when they're little but then they grow up and just… [01:38.285]哦,不,他们小的时候很可爱,但长大后… [01:39.034]ruin everything! [01:39.535]会毁了一切! [01:40.786]I never wanted children [01:42.285]我从没想过要孩子 [01:42.786]life was better on my own [01:43.286]我一个人过的多美好 [01:45.034]all the screaming,nagging chilled me to the bone! [01:46.284]停不下来的尖叫声听得要了我的命 [01:48.037]But then one day i came across a flower growing free [01:49.283]但有天我遇到一朵可以长生不老的花 [01:50.537]it's magic kept me young,so i kept it all for me! [01:52.036]它能让我拾回年轻容貌,所以我将它占为己有 [01:53.034]But someone dug it up now a baby held the power [01:54.533]但有人把它挖了出来,让那个宝宝拥有了魔力 [01:56.287]so I "borrowed"her and locked her upand hid her in a tower! [01:57.785]所以我将她“借走”,把她锁起来,把她藏在塔里! [01:58.535]Years went by,OH! [01:59.533]多年之后,哦! [02:01.595]The sacrifice and against my better judgment,I fed her once or twice. [02:02.753]为了我自己更好,我牺牲了时间去喂养她 [02:03.753]Teenagers now I know I wild eat their young [02:05.004]我知道现在的年轻人都很难管教 [02:06.505]But that's messy [02:06.753]但是那实在是太令人厌恶了 [02:07.753]manipulatin's easily more fun [02:08.753]操纵他们会更简单有趣 [02:09.504]A little guilt,a lot of force,of course you have to lie [02:11.256]一点内疚,一点迫力,当然你还得必须要说谎 [02:11.754]remind them without you,they'd shrivel up and die! [02:14.005]提醒他们,没有你,他们会枯萎而死! [02:14.754]They only have themselves to blame! [02:18.257]他们只能怪自己! [02:20.257]If you'd been there, you'd do the same [02:23.258]如果你身临其境,你也会这样做 [02:26.254]So work them hard'til they fall in line [02:27.754]所以使劲使唤他们,让他们都受不了 [02:29.007]There's one way and it's only mine [02:31.006]只有一条路,属于我的路 [02:31.753]Children are lazy [02:32.617]小孩们都是懒惰的 [02:33.234]Spoiled too [02:34.207]都给宠坏了 [02:34.709]But we konw what to do! [02:36.707]但是我们知道我们该怎么做 [02:37.666]Govern them with a heart of stone [02:39.304]用铁石心肠治治他们 [02:40.339]Lock zhem up so they're all alone [02:42.342]把他们锁起来,让他们体会孤独 [02:43.091]Maybe you'd call it cruel but, [02:45.590]也许你觉得这会很残忍,但是 [02:46.343]others would call it love,tough love! [02:49.082]有些人会称这叫爱,严厉的爱! [02:51.081]Ugh!Her own tower with a water view [02:51.583]呃!她明明就有一个带有小瀑布的高塔 [02:53.582]and she runs away the first chance she gets [02:54.329]结果她一有机会就逃出去了! [02:56.618]These wretched brats think the world owes them something [02:57.871]这些可怜的孩子总觉得这世界欠了他们什么 [02:58.622]But it doesn't [02:59.372]但是并不是 [03:00.620]Far and wide I rule the kingdom with a heavy hand [03:02.583]我用严厉的手段统治着这个王国 [03:03.083]but there was more I hand in mind a greater plan [03:05.082]但我有更多的想法,一个更伟大的计划 [03:05.582]I never cared to share,so The King would have to fall [03:07.334]我从未分享过我的想法,所以国王不得不消失 [03:08.084]But his child blocked the way to me and "Fairest of them all" [03:10.333]但他那个“最漂亮的”孩子挡着了我的去路 [03:11.083]She was chubby.She was dumb [03:12.199]她很胖,她很蠢 [03:12.697]and grotesquely optimistic [03:14.198]而且想法荒诞的乐观 [03:15.948]She needed structure in her life!She wasn't realistic [03:16.913]她想要自己安排她的人生,她一点都不现实 [03:19.164]I gave her chores and took away the things that she'd enjoy [03:21.917]我给了她一堆家务,拿走了她一切喜欢的东西 [03:22.664]but then I caught her singing songs with birds and then a boy! [03:23.515]但后来我发现她和鸟儿一起唱歌,遇上了个男孩! [03:23.515]Love?!Was I just sit by and wait?! [03:26.060]爱?!我只能眼睁睁的看着?! [03:26.308]for her to take my crown? NO! [03:27.307]等着她把我的皇位夺走?不! [03:27.810]she hand sealed her fate! [03:28.310]她已经决定了她的命运! [03:29.809]She hand to go,and so she did and you know what they say [03:30.808]她不得不走,你知道他们怎么评价她做的事吗 [03:32.812]"An appke once a day keeps your enemies away" [03:33.812]“一天一苹果,敌人远离我” [03:36.811]Don't be fooled by their tender smile! [03:39.307]别再被他们温柔的微笑给愚弄了! [03:42.308]give an inch and they'll run a mile! [03:44.187]他们只会得寸进尺! [03:48.687]Our ider of a happy home [03:50.440]我们都是为了幸福的家 [03:50.937]Is one where we live all alone! [03:53.188]那是属于我们的地方 [03:53.689]Dark,Depressing,Desolate! [03:55.439]黑暗,压抑,凄凉! [03:56.438]Now let's all drink to that! [04:00.238]现在让我们尽情享受吧! [04:01.238]call us "wicked" and call us "mean" [04:02.487]说我们“邪恶”,说我们“卑鄙” [04:04.489]"Cruel" and everything in between [04:04.989]说我们“残忍”,所有事都是这样 [04:06.741]You could say it's unjust [04:07.990]你可以说这不公平 [04:09.738]Turning their dreams to dust [04:10.486]把他们的梦想化为灰烬 [04:13.490]This is what we call love [04:14.490]这就是我们所说的爱 [04:15.238]Tough Love!