[00:00.000] 作词 : 曹智博 [00:01.000] 作曲 : 曹智博 [00:10.301]作曲:Allen Fire [00:12.298]作词:Allen Fire [00:14.806]编曲:ANGER BEATZ [00:16.557]录音:羽田录音棚 [00:17.302]Verse1 [00:19.798]清晨天还没亮 [00:20.808]五点的闹铃就把我叫醒 [00:22.049]单词在脑海里回荡 [00:23.048]目的是考进理想大学和梦想靠近 [00:24.802]抱紧现在的机会 所以不想当个逃兵 [00:27.053]跳进追梦的梯队 脱离阻碍我的毛病 [00:29.548]不会再和狐朋狗友天天混一起 [00:31.803]也不会再日夜颠倒熬夜通宵泡在困意里 [00:34.299]《我想》像法老一样努力 要有骨气 [00:36.807]变得优秀去《改变》自己 [00:38.305]把《改变》当做法宝 [00:39.303]不做豆芽口中的《奴隶》 [00:39.557]Hook1 [00:39.557]No matter how dark the night is [00:40.801]不管夜有多黑 [00:41.554]No matter how cold the night is [00:42.299]不管夜有多冷 [00:43.808]No matter how deep the night is [00:44.307]不管夜有多深 [00:45.805]Neon lights still gleamed in the deepening mists [00:47.057]霓虹灯在浓雾中仍清晰可见 [00:48.800]No matter how dark the night is [00:50.053]不管夜有多黑 [00:51.308]No matter how cold the night is [00:52.805]不管夜有多冷 [00:54.058]No matter how deep the night is [00:55.301]不管夜有多深 [00:56.270]The dawn still will come and we will see [00:56.768]黎明将至且我们也将会遇见 [00:58.765]No matter how dark the night is [01:00.019]不管夜有多黑 [01:01.262]No matter how cold the night is [01:03.014]不管夜有多冷 [01:03.770]No matter how deep the night is [01:05.267]不管夜有多深 [01:06.765]After dawn comes the soft wind and sunrise                                                                        黎明过后即是柔风伴随着日出的到来 [01:08.714]Verse2 [01:09.213]从前有只迷路的麋鹿 误入了歧途闯入了迷雾 [01:12.465]迷雾就企图想把它束缚 [01:14.217]麋鹿一直奔跑不停脚步 [01:15.960]脚步飞快的速度目的是为了摆脱束缚 [01:18.468]它将机会抓住没有轻易服输 [01:21.464]迎来一道光束撒在它的面部 [01:24.213]它的脸上渐渐露出 [01:25.469]温暖的笑容 [01:26.468]以及庆幸着坚持后的成功和痛苦的结束 [01:28.719]人生的道路就像一次跑酷 [01:31.215]不管是输是赢我都会咬着牙的坚持 [01:33.968]J.Cole的语录就是我的动力宝库 [01:35.964]把梦想变成现实就是我的本命天职 [01:38.714]Hook2 [01:38.919]No matter how dark the night is [01:39.176]不管夜有多黑 [01:40.916]No matter how cold the night is [01:42.425]不管夜有多冷 [01:43.166]No matter how deep the night is [01:44.422]不管夜有多深 [01:45.420]Neon lights still gleamed in the deepening mists [01:46.917]霓虹灯在浓雾中仍清晰可见 [01:48.170]No matter how dark the night is [01:49.169]不管夜有多黑 [01:50.666]No matter how cold the night is [01:51.422]不管夜有多冷 [01:53.174]No matter how deep the night is [01:53.919]不管夜有多深 [01:55.174]The dawn still will come and we will see [01:55.416]黎明将至且我们也将会遇见 [01:58.170]No matter how dark the night is [01:59.423]不管夜有多黑 [02:00.421]No matter how cold the night is [02:01.676]不管夜有多冷 [02:03.174]No matter how deep the night is [02:03.673]不管夜有多深 [02:04.925]After dawn comes the soft wind and sunrise [02:05.425]黎明过后即是柔风伴随着日出的到来 [02:07.921]Verse3 [02:08.677]무수 한 별 들 이 주야로 떠 오른다. [02:09.676]繁星点点,浮现在昼夜之间 [02:10.674]별빛 이 다이아몬드 처럼 눈부시다. [02:11.173]星光如钻石般璀璨 [02:13.170]달빛 이 꿈 을 밝 게 비춘다 [02:13.423]月光将梦想照亮 [02:15.421]길 앞 은 새벽 의 빛 이 었 다. [02:15.920]路途的前方即是黎明的光芒 [02:18.174]so I can't stop won't stop never give up [02:20.671]take dream and belief I will reach the top [02:23.166]梦想在"召"示我要往前"走"动力不能减半 [02:25.858]我不停的"走"还得不停的"干" [02:27.101]所以我要把"赶超"的信念全部都塞满包 [02:29.110]毅力在燃烧而这次也不是在开玩笑 [02:30.608]现在时机趁早 自己还没变老 [02:33.104]打破所有困扰 待到黎明破晓 [02:35.355]日光在不远处的天空处正在向你问好