[00:00.000] 浣滆瘝 : ReoNa/rui -fade-
[00:01.000] 浣滄洸 : rui -fade-
[00:18.116] I始ve walked the road of lies and misery
[00:24.626] 鎵€鏈夌殑瀛樺湪閮藉凡涓嶅湪
[00:30.673] Scars of the past is what makes me who I am
[00:37.661] 濡傛弧婧㈣€屽嚭涓€鑸� 鎺夎惤涓嬫潵
[00:43.710] 椋庡畠鏉ヨ繃甯﹁蛋鍠у殻鐣欎笅娌夐粯
[00:50.262] I feel my heart aching inside
[00:55.566] 鍒板簳杩欎竴璺蛋鏉� 瀹堟姢浜嗚皝 鍙堜激瀹冲け鍘讳簡浠€涔�
[01:03.103] To find the truth in everything
[01:05.943] 鐩撮潰杩欐棤搴忎笘鐣�
[01:09.354] You see 瀵归敊骞堕潪鏈夌粷瀵�
[01:16.173] 鈥楥ause I始m still alive (Still alive)
[01:19.769] I feel alive, with this pain
[01:25.237] I鈥檒l be the only one with a voice
[01:31.962] 鍝€曞敖鍔涘懠鍠� 涔熸病鏈夌瓟妗�
[01:38.149] Holding out my hand but no one seems to care
[01:44.884] 鍓嶈矾杩樿澶氳繙 鎵嶅埌缁堢偣
[01:50.842] 鎽囧晩鎽� 鎽囨洺鐨勫厜褰卞ソ浼肩伀鐒�
[01:57.219] And burning from the inside out
[02:02.894] 鐩村埌閲嶈箞瑕嗚緳 鎬€鐤戠寽娴� 寮€濮嬪帉鎭剁幇鍦ㄦ墍鏈�
[02:10.243] 璧拌繃瀵掗 璧拌繃鐑堢伀 閫嗚鍦ㄦ棤搴忎笘鐣�
[02:16.856] You see 缁濆涓嶄細蹇樿鐨�
[02:23.501] 鈥楥ause I始m still alive (Still alive)
[02:26.666] I feel alive, with this pain
[02:35.639] With this pain
[02:55.638] 鍝€曟憞鎽囨鍧犵殑涓栫晫 浣挎垜浠氨姝ら殧缁�
[03:01.957] 涓轰簡鍚戜綍浜轰紶閫� 杩欏績鎰�
[03:08.311] 涓轰簡鍚戜綘 浼犻€掕繖蹇冩効
[03:16.409] 鍗充娇娣辨繁鍙规伅 閬帺鐨勮繃鍘� 鏈€鍚庝篃浼氱暀涓嬬棔杩�
[03:24.007] With all the scars within me
[03:26.890] 蹇冩€€鎮旀仺鍓嶈
[03:30.331] You see 瀵归敊骞堕潪鏈夌粷瀵�
[03:37.080] I feel alive
[03:40.095] Alive
[03:41.906] 鍒板簳杩欎竴璺蛋鏉� 瀹堟姢浜嗚皝 鍙堜激瀹冲け鍘讳簡浠€涔�
[03:49.499] To find the truth in everything
[03:52.472] 鐩撮潰杩欐棤搴忎笘鐣�
[03:55.957] You see 瀵归敊骞堕潪鏈夌粷瀵�
[04:02.587] 鈥楥ause I始m still alive (Still alive)
[04:06.035] I feel alive, with this pain